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Shark Tooth Id's


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Easy for you guys, but I dont know my teeth from a hole in the ground. I got these little beauties from Bmore and I do thank him for the purchase. Thank you Bmore. Anyways, can I ask for an id of these teeth. And thanks.



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Right you are boss. 3 Hemipristis serra (looks like a lower, an upper anterior and an upper lateral) and 2 Physogaleus contortus

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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the three biggest ones are hemi's and the other two look like contortus

First of all,, Great to hear from you again fella! But you are like me with the fishes. When I say myo or noto I automatily assume that people now what Im taking about and have to go back and explain. So,, you say 'himi's' and 'contortus' and I still dont have a clue. I am looking for Genus and Species. I can get the formation info from Bmore but he is gone at the moment. But anyways, good to hear from you again.


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Guess we were typing at the same time RJB. The info is in my post

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Guess we were typing at the same time RJB. The info is in my post

I just noticed that Northern Sharks,, but more importantly, I dont care what everybody else says about you, I know for a fact that half of it isnt even true! Ha!! Jesus im funny sometimes. Im always cracking myself up. Hey everyone, Im just stirring the pot and giving northern sharks the 'leave it to beaver' business. I sure hope hes a good guy, im gettin too old to fight. Heh,,,, But seriously, thanks for the info NS.


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you really do have to wonder sometimes who names this stuff. i wouldn't have stood up a new genus if i had to call it "physogaleus".

but anyway, nice teeth and the fact that they came from bmore gives 'em flavor.

p.s. - i'm thinking somebody had trouble turning off the tap when they were pouring your personality.

you crack you so up.

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Hey Tracer, I think god left for a break when he was pouring from the personality bucket for the both of us and it just kept on pouring and pouring and pouring!!! Our curse and a gift? To steal from Dan,,, Muuaauauauauauaaau!!!!!!! and of course,,, lets throw in a WooooHoooooo!!! for good luck.

Other than all that stuff, I went through all those teeth and these seem to be different than the Hemi's and the contortus. Now youve already got me doing it! Can I ask what these are? and thanks


Oh, these are purty small teeth, 1 inch and smaller


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Are they also from Bmore, or from somewhere else? I believe they are all Sand Tigers, either Carcharias sp or Odontaspis sp. Sand Tigers are tough to identify unless you know where they are from and the age (even then it can be a challenge)

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Are they also from Bmore, or from somewhere else? I believe they are all Sand Tigers, either Carcharias sp or Odontaspis sp. Sand Tigers are tough to identify unless you know where they are from and the age (even then it can be a challenge)

Hey NS. Yes, these are also from Bmore. Does this help? and thanks man.


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