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Not Always The Large Thing Is The Best... (part Two)


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Hello people,

Yes, one more time, today is holiday here but I'm flu, crab flu I hope (and not the swim flu... :o )

Well, as usually in those occasion, I were playing with boxes and look at what a lot of work I have for to classify all those hundreds of teeth.

Under the microscope they are superb ;)

I spent two mont, years ago, in separate the teeth of the two kilos of mixed-up stuff.

I hope you enjoy them :)





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I find it some what funy

that most people think FOSSIL

and they think big:

Why don't you start a site dealing


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  • 3 weeks later...
I find it some what funy

that most people think FOSSIL

and they think big:

Why don't you start a site dealing


Hi Grampa,

thanks for answer

Them are the only ones little fossils I have in pictures, but perhaps in the future...


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MB sweet stuff! really really neat looking material!

Love the last picture, looks like you have quite a variety of shark and ray micro's!

that would be some fun sediment to search.

I have had the same issue with my eyes though, when you begin everything is fine...then...after a week or so of work, its hard to focus on far away objects...i think im going to invest in a scope :P

thanks for sharing these pictures!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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MB sweet stuff! really really neat looking material!

Love the last picture, looks like you have quite a variety of shark and ray micro's!

that would be some fun sediment to search.

I have had the same issue with my eyes though, when you begin everything is fine...then...after a week or so of work, its hard to focus on far away objects...i think im going to invest in a scope :P

thanks for sharing these pictures!

the worse thing was, when after several weeks, in a carelessness, I mixed again the separated teeth with the dirty material, and... to begin again :(

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