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Fossilized Mushroom Or Conk?


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We just bought an old collection here in Montana. The first 2 pictures were labeled fossilized mushroom Wyoming, the 3rd and 4th looks like a petrified conk, you can see where it would have butted up against a tree. What do you think?





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First fossil is a tooth, I'm not sure if it is from Globidens (a mossasaur) or Ptychodus (shark). Perhaps other angle pics will help. Zenithal view would be great.

Wellcome to the forum.

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I would say Ptychodus on the first and ammonite on the second.

Definitely looks ptychodus. That's a keeper for sure.

Not sure about the other.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Guest solius symbiosus
... ammonite on the second.

... or a big ol' tergomyaid, but I have never seen them that big. So, you are probably correct. A close up of the sutures(if they exist) would be helpful.

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