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Good Friend


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I had to come to Summerville S.C this Friday and Saturday to work on our vacation home on the Edisto river and get it ready for the summer so we can find some fossil's in the Edisto this summer. Well I was able to spend a little time with my good friend and fossil hunting buddy Friday afternoon two check out some of his new teeth that he had found and traded for. Well I expressed my saddness that I was not gonna get to hunt Saturday either because I was not gonna have the time, If I wanted to finish the yard work and repairing the dock. Well Saturday afternoon arrived and I was heading back out of town and stopped by my buddy house to let him know that, I will see him in a few weeks to help him with the Aurora fossil festival show because he is a dealer at the show. As I was getting ready to walk out his house he said check this tooth out it is a late Auriculatus/ early Angustiden and the tooth is flawless and I mean flawless. He said he just had to show me the tooth because he just traded for it a few days ago and he knows that Auriculatus/Angustiden are my favorite teeth to collect and he said it yours .I about had a heart attack right there good friends are hard to come and it really made me feel happy that someone can remember you in this very busy world we live in. Once agian thanks 2toothhoover for being such a good friend.

P.S- the tooth measured in at a little under 3 1/2 inches and was a Summerville found tooth.




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Nice tooth good friend way cool story


Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Awesome story...Friends like that are hard to come by in these times. Seems like there's quite a few people that share this hobby that are that way. More so than any other hobby I've been part of.


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That's a beauty!!!

Hopefully you'll get to express your appreciation with a BBQ on the dock in a few weeks!


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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that's one of the best-looking shark teeth i've ever seen. i mean, really. wow. if i ever have a friend, it'll be someone like that guy. maybe little details different, but he'll either give me stuff like that or take stuff like that from my house when i'm getting him a drink from the kitchen. that tooth doesn't even look old, except for the colors. we need to figure out what exact place that's from and go bury all our favorite stuff there so it'll last forever.

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Hey Sharkdentist, it was nice to have met ya yesterday, looks like you did better than us and you didnt even get in the water lol..

That dude ya caught diggin in the bank told us he was gonna keep right o digging the banks till someone in a patrol car told him dfferent. This is one of the very few times I wish I had a cell phone cause I sure woulda dropped a dime on him...

The girls and I found some nice small teeth and we filled that red bucket (2 1/2 gallon) with glass we picked up while we were playing around in the ditch...Now it will all go in the recycle bin lol well not some of the blue and purple lookin glass lol my son said hes gonna collect some of the cool colored glass..

Happy humting and that is a nice tooth as well...


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Man that is a sick tooth.The root is so complete! And a Summerville no less!

I'd be really proud to have a friend like that.You mind sharing him???? :P

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Hey Sharkdentist, it was nice to have met ya yesterday, looks like you did better than us and you didnt even get in the water lol..

That dude ya caught diggin in the bank told us he was gonna keep right o digging the banks till someone in a patrol car told him dfferent. This is one of the very few times I wish I had a cell phone cause I sure woulda dropped a dime on him...

The girls and I found some nice small teeth and we filled that red bucket (2 1/2 gallon) with glass we picked up while we were playing around in the ditch...Now it will all go in the recycle bin lol well not some of the blue and purple lookin glass lol my son said hes gonna collect some of the cool colored glass..

Happy humting and that is a nice tooth as well...


Ron, can you email me the location you seen that guy digging? I can make a call and hopefully get this idiot off the banks.

I was talking with Rich and he was saying that the DNR is out and giving oput tickets to anyone caught digging in the embankment to the tune of $400 a pop. Also, they (DNR) is looking fo a guy setting traps for snakes and turtles in the canals.

BTW SD, nice tooth, seems I lost one exactly like that last time I was over "friend's" house LOL I really need to get out to his place and check some things out.


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Wow, that is a nice tooth, and probably valuable as well, especially because it's a gift from a good friend. Even more valuable is your friendship with him, for someone to think of you like that...and that is the truly of value.

Congratuations on your friendship! You must be a very good person for that to happen to you.

Kevin Wilson

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