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Trilobite or crab


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Hello forum members. My father purchased this concretion from a dealer who told him that it had an enrolled trilobite in it. The dealer told him it was from Terra Haute, Indiana. It looks more like a crab to me from Washington State. Any thoughts? Also, if it is a crab should I glue it back together before I prep it?


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I would go with crab. Most do glue theirs back together before attempting to prep crabs.

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
-Romans 14:19

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I'm no expert, but looks like a crab to me as well.

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If you glue it all back together you will have to refind the crab. I would take the 'top' half and trim away the parts where the legs are only impressions and a bit of the carapace where there is none stuck to the 'top' rock. Then glue it back together. This way you don't have to rediscover the thing. Crabs are not easy to prep. Small ones especially. Have fun and good luck. I am sure others will have more advice.

Edited by jpc
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