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Orthoceras from Morocco


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The information I can find on Google seems to be extremely broad.

What is the age of these fossils?

I have a tag for them but it only has the scientific name and location.

Orthoceras regulare

Atlas Mountains, Morocco.

Online has them ranging from Ordovician to Devonian. I'd like to narrow it down a bit more for an updated tag.



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Without more information, your guess is as good as any. If you could post a photo, someone well versed with Moroccan trilobites may be able to assist further.

...I'm back.

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I think I am leaning towards Devonian, just want to be correct with my labeling.

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Nice nautiloids!I'm not sure, but I think orthoceras regulare is a type-specie, wich is only found in some European countries...I would identify it as Geisenoceras ( generalized sense).About the age I'm not sure,also, but I agree with Devonian.

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Do you think I would be safe then just putting Orthoceras sp. on the tag?

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Sorry I forgot to mention that the name Orthoceras is only used that type-species.So,you can't found Orthoceras in Morocco...As I said I would label it as Geisenoceras, a generlized sense that includes many orthoconic nautiloids from Africa and other locations.

However I'm not an expert and I could be wrong...



Edited by Guguita2104
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