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Socal Collecting

Uncle Siphuncle

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I'll be spending some time this summer in the San Diego/Carlsbad area on business (tough break, I know) probably including some weekends when I'm free to keep myself entertained. Online searches suggest that San Diego County has lots of sites to explore. Various Pleistocene through Cretaceous marine exposures are said to give up molluscs, sand dollars, ammonites, etc....can't wait to sink a pick in some new ground while the well heeled ladies walk their foofy poodles down the beach. I found some broken Pleistocene sand dollars in a bluff today and will continue to survey documented sites until I know the area well enough to find my own. I'll probably join the Souther California Paleontological Society to go on field trips perhaps meet other collectors and give them some quality Texas fossils in exchange for guided private field trips. Does anyone here belong to this club?


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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The coolest thing I've seen come from Carlsbad was a 9" obsidian spear head. It's about the coolest thing I've ever seen as a North Am artifact. A guy found it in has back yard on the edge of one of the lagoons. I think it was on the south side of Carlsbad towards Leucadia vice up towards Oceanside. Speaking of which you might want to see if there is an archeologist contact on base at Camp Penelton. If you can get a hold of anyone mention you were referred by a retired Navy Captain...

I'd head to La Brea, too, and see if you can make any good contacts. Recently I saw articles about a tar lense that was found during a construction project in that area. You can guess what was in it.

There is always the option for mines if you want minerals vice fossils, too.


P.S. Don't forget to go fishing!!! You'll LOVE some of the stuff you can catch there off the small party boats: black fin tuna, kelp bass, sea bass, cudas, ling cod - not the ling we get in TX, etc.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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