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Fossil art


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After lots of great help from this forum in identifying my first trace fossil (graphoglyptid burrow, image attached), I find myself interested in the idea of fossils as art. For what it's worth, I happen to think the striking rose-shaped pattern on my specimen is lovely!

Some years before his death in 2014, noted expert on trace fossils Professor Dolf Seilacher assembled a traveling exhibition featuring precision casts of rock slabs from five continents, selected for their strong visual appeal. Since a trip to Europe is not in my immediate future, I thought I'd turn once again to the fine folks of the Fossil Forum for guidance. Does anyone know of either an exhibit here in the U.S. (I happen to live in the Southeast, and would love to find something relatively close by) or a great book that showcases the special beauty and artistic value of fossils?

Thanks in advance for your help; you guys are great!


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I'm sorry, I can't suggest any specific place to find "fossils as art"' for the reason that I think 60% of all fossils are wonderful natural art.

Visit a paleo museum. Starting locally

Edited by PRK
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Here's a good article about Dolf Seilacher, some funny stories and his trace fossil exhibit.


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I recently purchased a book called "Dinosaur Art: The World's Greatest Paleoart" by Steve White. There's no actual pictures, but instead famous illustrations. It also talks personally about the artist and there job making reconstructions. It's not just all reconstructions, though. There's also ones that they did for fun in an artistic way.

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