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Does anyone know about this dealer?


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Hello everyone,

I am a total novice, interested in buying a spinosaurus tooth to start my collection. I have been trying to do my research into reputable online dealers. Generally I have found that a few well-known sites are recommended (paleogallery, arizona skies, indiana9fossils, etc). Recently I stumbled across a site called Fossils Meteorites and More. They also are listed under the same name as sellers on ebay. Their prices seem reasonable but I hesitate to buy without have heard anything about them. Does anyone here know of this dealer? Appreciate the help!

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We don't assess dealers on TFF. If you have a photo of a particular tooth, then post the photos here for opinions and the dealer does not have to be mentioned. Occasionally, "reputable dealers" can make mistakes. ;)

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Hello everyone,

I am a total novice, interested in buying a spinosaurus tooth to start my collection. I have been trying to do my research into reputable online dealers. Generally I have found that a few well-known sites are recommended (paleogallery, arizona skies, indiana9fossils, etc). Recently I stumbled across a site called Fossils Meteorites and More. They also are listed under the same name as sellers on ebay. Their prices seem reasonable but I hesitate to buy without have heard anything about them. Does anyone here know of this dealer? Appreciate the help!

While we don't rate sellers on TFF, Fossils Meteorites and More has a store on both Amazon and ebay. You can see how people there review them and then judge for yourself.

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