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Some questions regarding Calvert Cliffs


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Hi everyone!

So this summer my girlfriend, two friends and myself are heading down to Baltimore and on the way are planning on stopping by Calvert Cliffs. I've done some research in regards to the laws and regulations regarding hunting and what to expect when I go. But, I still want to know more, and as a result I have a ton of questions.

My questions are thus:

1) Which localities along the the cliffs are the best to search? Which are the most notorious for other collectors? And which do you recommend avoiding just outright?

2) How important are the tide forecasts when going to the cliffs? I ask this because one of the localities I hunt at is completely flooded come high tide.

3) We might be staying in a hotel overnight, what towns do you recommend staying in?

4) And, as a total aside, are there better hunting localities closer to Baltimore that non-fossil hunting fans would enjoy? We're going to calvert cliffs because it's more park-like and traditional beach and the two of us who may hunt are myself and my friend.

Thanks everyone!

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Access is the biggest issue and Brownies Beach has the best with a good collecting area beyond the point on the far right has you enter the beach area. Lots of fun and lots of small teeth.

Tides are always an issue either to low or high. At high tide the water can be all the way to the cliffs so one cannot collect. So try to avoid one of those during your prime time stay. Change of tides are the best.

My trips were day ones so cannot recommend a hotel.

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When we hunt/collect in Calvert (which is a couple times a year), we stay at either the Super 8 or Holiday Inn Express in Prince Frederick. Both are clean and reasonable, though I personally prefer the HI Express. Plenty of restaurants very close to hotels, some in walking distance for those of us who like an adult beverage or two with dinner and grocery stores / Walmart are close by for snacks / lunch to take with you.

Troodon gave you a very good place to base your collecting but as he stated, access is 1 of the 2 key issues. The neighborhoods that have access are VERY picky and tight about uninvited guests parking on their streets. The public parks also have restrictions on non-locals parking during certain peak times (like summer). Remember, there are literally hundreds of people who have the exact same idea of collecting, in the exact same spot at the exact same time as you. Add in the people in the area simply for the beaches and it can get packed/congested very easily, and it frequently is on weekends during summer and around the 3 main summer holidays. Only so many spaces / places to put vehicles. Mid-week is usually has less people.

Key issue #2 is SAFETY! The cliffs can and do regularly slough / fall. A clog of dirt or rock smaller than your fist can cause serious injury, if not death. Imagine what a pick up truck sized (or larger) slough/fall can do...... PLEASE, make sure you look up at the cliffs before you walk under them.

And, just a tip: many of the people trying to collect/hunt will be out on the beach well before the sun rises. Quite a few even use flashlights and head lights to collect/hunt during the night time low tide. This usually gets them a place to park (even though many of the parks are closed dusk to dawn), more collecting/hunting times and access to the easy finds.

Just my 2 cents, which of course is always free of charge.


Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about science books.........

Sam Cooke - (What A) Wonderful World

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SailingAlongToo, you bring up some things I really didn't even consider. What are the chances of hotels being within walking distance of the cliffs? Is that even a possibility?

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I don't remember seeing any hotels near there and definitely haven't seen any along the cliffs. If there are any they could possibly be in Chesapeake Beach, MD. I know there is a campground about a third of the way down the cliffs from CB and rental cabins at Matoaka. Both of these fill up fast for the holiday weekends and most summer weekends.


Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about science books.........

Sam Cooke - (What A) Wonderful World

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The Chesapeake Beach Resort is the closest to Brownies Beach. Take a look at a map and see if it's doable for you.

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