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West Va Crinoid Parts- I Think


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post-218-1242000098_thumb.jpgpost-218-1242000186_thumb.jpgSo some are round, some oval, some seem to have stem places and then there is this one-post-218-1242000204_thumb.jpgpost-218-1242000231_thumb.jpg Very flat and this which could it possible be a root?post-218-1242000311_thumb.jpg
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Guest solius symbiosus

I'm thinking that last one is a crinoid holdfast??? How big is the squashed one, and what is its age?

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I'm thinking that last one is a crinoid holdfast??? How big is the squashed one, and what is its age?

I agree with Solius, and I'm curious of the squashed one as well.

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Very cool stems! Am I off base here in that the squished one looks like half of a whole one? I don't see a seam running down the back of it.

I agree with Solius about the holdfast and I see a blastoid head in the second pic as well.



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post-218-1242061676_thumb.jpgpost-218-1242061692_thumb.jpg Here are measurement shots on flattened one.

Picture 2 top edge looks broken, other long side does not appear broken.post-218-1242061949_thumb.jpgBetter picture of crinoid stem post-218-1242062098_thumb.jpg

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...Am I off base here in that the squished one looks like half of a whole one? I don't see a seam running down the back of it.

i agree shamalama, it appears to be a vertical cross-section.

(okay, that sounds like an oxymoron, but i can't think of the word for what you get when you cut something vertically down the center...) :rolleyes:

"don’t you lock up something that you wanted to see fly..." chris cornell / soundgarden

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