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Need Identifying Fossil


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Hi All. My 11 year old found this in a ditch. I'm pretty sure it's a phalanx from a large animal, but can't guess beyond that. Anyone know what it is? Thanks in advance.

p.s. Title should read Need Help Identifying Fossil. My brain types faster than my hands. :rolleyes:




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Sorry for not giving locality info. This is from Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA.

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kinda looks like the center of a gator vert to me with the processes broken off.

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Thanks for the replies. I don't think it's a vertebra because it does not show radial symmetry when you look down its long axis. It really strikes me as the distal phalange of some type of large animal. It even has a groove in the right place to accept the flexor tendon. I attached some additional photos so you can see it from additional angles. Please let me know what you think, and I reallly appreciate the help.








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well....by the elimination of process (pun intended), i still think it's a gator vert. it doesn't look anything like any phalanx i've ever seen, and it does look like gator verts i've seen.

edit - i keep saying "gator", but anson's "reptile" is probably more accurate. haven't heard of croc fossils around me, but certainly have heard of 'em around s.c.

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Thanks for the replies. I don't think it's a vertebra because it does not show radial symmetry when you look down its long axis. It really strikes me as the distal phalange of some type of large animal. It even has a groove in the right place to accept the flexor tendon. I attached some additional photos so you can see it from additional angles. Please let me know what you think, and I reallly appreciate the help.


Well, vertebrae don't exhibit radial symmetry; they exhibit bilateral symmetry unless they are pathological or highly stream-eroded.

Can you think of anything else that might have passed through the "groove"?

It is, almost certainly, a centrum from a reptile, probably crocodilian, as others are saying. My guess is that it is from a caudal vertebra.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Hey All,

Croc/gator vert was the first thing to come to my mind also.


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OK, thanks everbody. I'll go along with reptile vert. Will let you know if I find out differently. -W.

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