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Mummified Cat Found In My Backyard


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We have lots of half-feral cats that live in my neighborhood.

I started feeding one and got a little attached to it. It was pregnant.

Dogs came into my yard one night and I haven't seen it since. Because it hadn't missed a meal since I started feeding it about 4 months ago, I assume the dog killed it. I found three dead kittens, the dogs killed as well as well as evidence they dug under my tool shed to get at the kittens. I didn't even know the kittens were there though in past years mother cats have used it as a den, and have acted aggressively toward me when I approached.

I began looking for the corpse of the cat I liked and found these. It looks like a male tom cat that had been killed maybe as much as a year ago. The pine straw underneath must have kept it from rotting and it kind of air dried and became mummified.

BTW, this isn't where I found it; I moved it away from the pine straw.

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I know how feeding half-feal cats is. We currently have about 12 cats who come every day to my back yard for their food. We have a pool and an 8 foot fence around it the gabs are the perfect size for cats making my back yard the safest in the neighborhood. You get quite attached to them, all except 1 of my cats are adopted ferals.

Edit: there are now 15, one of our younger adult cats presented her 3 fuzzy kittens when I went out to feed them.

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