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Gastrolith question


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Thanks Snolly, interesting reading. If I wasn't so stupid I would have used the search function myself!

"Stupid," not at all. Your inquiry caused me to recall the earlier discussion in which I had participated. This caused me to review and recall the info presented, further sealing it into my fossil armamentarium. You did me a service by bring the topic back to life on the Forum. This is a wonderful place for all who have an interest in these fascinating remnants of ancient life.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, also are remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

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It was certainly interesting reading for me and made a lot of sense. Thank you for bringing it to my attention and your comment above, I feel less stupid!

You should keep in mind that ignorance is a lack of knowledge and stupid is the inability to learn. I do not see You as a "stupid". :D




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Thank you for pulling up that old post Snolly!

Very informative, I knew about them obviously being found in the gut, but have also been curious about disassociated specimens!

Great question as well John!

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