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I'm Going To The North Sulfur River Again!


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I'm going there again but i have a couple questions.

1. Should i go to the bridge crossing that says LADONIA TEXAS FOSSIL PARK? I mean when i went there there were no fossils like so many people go there. OR should i go to another bride crossing?

2. Are there fossils all over the river or only at certain crossings?

3. Would the river be good to find fossils right now or too deep?

4. Is there anything under the sand?

Also another completely different question.

I found this fossil at mineral wells.

And it has these really small worms on it (about 1000) that are like 1 cm. I'm not trying to innapropriate but is it what i think it is? And is it rare to have that many worms fossilized?


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There has been a lot of fossils found at the bridge you are talking about and with all of the rain, I am sure you would find something there. Just about any where along the rive is good to hunt. I don't know about Sat. though, it will be raining again, suppose to all weekend. Always keep an eye to the sky in that river, the water can be pretty low and the a huge wall of water come down it, if it is raining any where up stream, it can be pretty dangerous because there are not that many places to get out at. There are always fossils in the sand, you can sift it and find teeth and small bone. As for the last question I don't see any pic so I can't help you on that.

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