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My Best Find Of The Year!


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Hello everyone,I made a three day hunting trip to the Northeast Texas area.I left the Dallas area on Monday morning to nothing but the skies poring down.The plowed fields alll throughout N.E.Texas were under water.I wasn't bothered by the rain too much because I knew there was a nice fishing lake within shooting distance of where I was staying.Well that thought was fine in theory!Not a bite after casting what seemed like 1000 times for two days. I was finally able to collect the Sulphur River on Wednesday morning 5-13.

I met Traviscounty,Barefootgirl,Paleoron at the 34 bridge in the morning.There was enough gravel exposed so that we all could collect.The rain and subsequent flooding has deposited fresh shale everywhere which made collecting a little difficult,but we all found some good stuff. There are new exposed sections of the "Red Zone" that are pretty large in the bottom of the river.Oh-Man was able to make it out with us at 3:30p.He's a true collector! Driving from a conference in Grapevine Tx all the way out to the Sulphur then back home 5 hrs.......sheesh...that's dedication!

Here are my finds with the Mosasaur tooth being my best find of the year and probably the best in my life....Applaud Please...... :D The matrix piece is interesting too.It has a tennis ball sized vert stuck in it and has places on it where more bone material has been. I have outlined where some of the bone has weathered out on the front and back.I can't wait to see if there might be some associated pieces in there. It was great to see everyone. And we forgot to take a group pic....sorry.. <_<post-417-1242350524_thumb.jpgpost-417-1242350573_thumb.jpgpost-417-1242350597_thumb.jpg

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Congratulations snakekeeper! Love the tooth, a nice large one at that...

There is something about the mosasaur!

Welcome to the forum!

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pretty cool!!! anyway to prep the matrix piece?

Yep ,it should only take a little prying here and there as the matrix is pretty soft.

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That is an awesome mososaur tooth. I agree, there is just something about those teeth that are just awesome and definitely the highlight of a fossil hunt! Congratulations! How big is the tooth?

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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Ohhhh yeah.. And best of the year??? The year is still young... Good luck!

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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Don't worry Barry; this is just a taste of the best you are going to find. B)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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That is an awesome mososaur tooth. I agree, there is just something about those teeth that are just awesome and definitely the highlight of a fossil hunt! Congratulations! How big is the tooth?

It's right at 1 3/4. here ya go!

The tooth really puts the word predator into perspective!post-417-1242352507_thumb.jpgpost-417-1242352523_thumb.jpgpost-1-1189965906_thumb.jpg


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That is an awesome tooth. I wish I could have seen it in person, sorry about leaving on the sly like I did. As soon as the Sulphur goes down here you can come up and hunt it with me. I have a feeling we will both be finding more finds of the year, once it stops raining. Anyway, awesome finds and I love the bone in the matrix.

As soon as I can find some batteries for my camera I will post what I found. I wish that one tooth I found down there had been whole although, I am happy with my first vert find and X fish tooth.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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I had a feeling he had found something good when I saw him jump about 4 feet and yell "Whooo....Yeah....Oh my god!".

Barry can move through a river like an Energizer Bunny, and keeps going, and going, and going??? He makes me feel old.

By the way, PaleoRon is a pretty cool guy. I'm glad we were able to teach him about fossils and such.

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Way to go Barry that is an awesome tooth, I know what you were feeling, I yelled like a foul when I found my first whole one. Great finds, hope to hook up with ya'll to do some more hunting.

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Way to Go Barry!!!!

That is a cool looking tooth. The year is not half over yet and I willing to bet you find another super find.


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Great Job Barry!!!!!! That is an AWESOME tooth!!!!! I hope i'm lucky enough to find one of those someday! Congratulations!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

It is a nice tooth. I hope you can prep the matrix piece, and if it were mine, I'd leave a lot of the matrix on it.

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Cool mososaur tooth. I have got to get up there before its all gone

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Cool mososaur tooth. I have got to get up there before its all gone

I think there will be plenty of material for weeks to come!

We are supposed to get some more rain tomorrow!!!!! :D:D;)

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Very impressed with your tooth..... well done..... excellent quality......

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Yep ,it should only take a little prying here and there as the matrix is pretty soft.

I feel I should mention that Barry was considering removing the matrix with a fell whack from me trusty old rock hammer!

"Hold up there cowboy!" There's a lot more bone in there than we first thought. That's one to haul out!

And have I mentioned that Barry's mosasaur tooth is AWESOME? B) A great find...

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Nice tooth , those things are everywhere in NSR .

Hunting fossils is fun , but discovering is better !

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congratulations on your finds and being able to spend and meet time with others.

yeah for you tooth.

Kevin Goto, Lafayette,CA.

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Well.....Barry just cracked into the matrix.....and guess what.

You just wrong Traviscounty WHAT

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Oh my god...Oh my god!!!! My heart is still pounding fast! I let the matrix piece soak overnight in a 5g bucket of just water! I just went outside and picked it up out of the bucket and a large chunk fell off to the ground.I put the larger piece on the table in my backyard.I then went to retrieve the piece that had fallen.I turn it over and my heart started pounding uncontrollably with amazement.There in my hand was a Large Mosasaur tooth with a huge root portion. Pic enclosed.

Here is the bad part. You can see a crack in the tooth about at it's midline.I pushed there a little with my finger and water oozed out. What should I do at this point to stabilize this piece that has probably surpassed my other now less significant Mosa tooh :D

Some of you said ....."just wait there will be more" Best finds and such.

Well it happened :)post-417-1242424148_thumb.jpgpost-417-1242424175_thumb.jpg

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