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My Best Find Of The Year!


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Told you , those things are everywhere in the NSR , pointed ones that is .

Hunting fossils is fun , but discovering is better !

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I am amazed.... I would love to find another fossil

like that, which was a complete surprise. :o

Welcome to the forum!

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Told you , those things are everywhere in the NSR , pointed ones that is .

I need to go with you. Me and Barefoot just spent 5 hours in that dang river bed. Everything is covered with that gray shale after the rains. We found a few things, but no giant teeth. At least we got in a workout. :)

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Ok, back to the prepping process question.You can see the crack in the tooth which I presume goes all the way through.Should I leave the remaining fragile shale around the tooth or remove it.Also since the piece is wet should I let it dry out and then see where I'm at? I would like to leave as much matrix on the piece that I can,but the shale is very fragile.I haven't searched the rest of the block of matrix,but you can tell there was a jawbone section in there.

Who knows,there might be something else good in there as there is a large chunk left.


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Man thats great Barry see everyone told you that the years just getting started so can I have the other now that you found a better one. But that is so cool

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! If I were you I would go back to where that chunk came from and do alot more searching. There might be alot more that you didn't see. OR you could be a really good friend and tell me where it came from and I will go check for you!!! :P;) ;) :P

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I had the same problem with mosasaur teeth found in matrix. They are very fragile, and will break apart easily. I asked around, and what I was told to do was use very runny super super glue. I used some I bought from Paleobond, but I imagine you can use any superglue (I think its all the same). It will soak into the cracks, and the water will just speed up the curing process. The only problem I had, was it also glued a lot of loose dirt and rock dust to the outside of the tooth. I spent a lot of time cleaning that off with a dental pick, and Q-tips dipped in acetone.

(That being said. I just offer advice and am not responsible if that awesome tooth crumbles into dust)

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Nice to find Mos teeth (Unless my eyes fail me it looks like there is a bit of jawbone in the mix).

Let it dry out and then use a fixative on that tooth. I actually use a spray on but I am certain someone can recommend better. As for the matrix, if your tooth is in fragile condition I would not recomend removing anything but the most fragile shale. Better a great matrix specimen than a broken loose one.

Be true to the reality you create.

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I could coat the entire piece in Butvar,but I suspect that the other side of the tooth is in great shape.I can't see it, but it looks like the matrix covered it gently and the shape continues into the matrix.

Decisions,Decisions..hmmm.. Going away for the weekend and I'll contemplate this a little further when I return.

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Nice to find Mos teeth (Unless my eyes fail me it looks like there is a bit of jawbone in the mix).

You are right on Frank. The backside...non pointy end was the bone I originally saw sticking out of this piece of matrix.Turned out to be a real good find. I really need to thank Oh-Man for suggesting that I take the piece home for further investigation.Thanks Owen!!!! :)

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That place definitely is your spot Barry. I walked that hell hole for hours today and all I found was this.


In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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That place definitely is your spot Barry. I walked that hell hole for hours today and all I found was this.


TOO funny. :blink:

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Nice tooth! I want one. What did you find Owen?

Yeah - I want one too! Maybe next trip!!!

I did find a nice X-fish tooth and a fist sized vert so I'm not disappointed.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Don't worry Barry; this is just a taste of the best you are going to find. B)

Wow Barry! Hey I would suggest a similar procedure to bowkill and Frank. Let it dry out a little and try to wick some Paleobond (or really thin super glue) into the edge of the crack. Have a paper towel ready to quickly wipe up any excess. Then let it dry. A large bead head straight pin and some patience should allow you to gently start flaking away any matrix. Bowkill is right though, mosasaur teeth can be notoriously fragile and "explode" via micro cracks, so be careful. Wow, what a tooth!

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Thanks for all the compliments and suggestions on stabilization.

I'm going to try and stabilize the cracked portion of the tooth first as suggested.Also I will add some of the Butvar mix to the exposed portions of the jaw as well.

Then I'll slowly start removing the matrix around the tooth.

We will see how it turns out!

thanks again


Oh, I'm going to Tyler Tx today.....any PET wood close to there????

PM me if anyone is willing to share a spot!

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Thanks for all the compliments and suggestions on stabilization.

I'm going to try and stabilize the cracked portion of the tooth first as suggested.Also I will add some of the Butvar mix to the exposed portions of the jaw as well.

Then I'll slowly start removing the matrix around the tooth.

We will see how it turns out!

thanks again


Oh, I'm going to Tyler Tx today.....any PET wood close to there????

PM me if anyone is willing to share a spot!

Hey Snakekeeper,

My in-laws live in Tyler near the state park and when we visit I use any excuse to get out of the house. I've done some looking and and asked a few people but have not yet located any areas around Tyler to hunt. The geo map lists Tyler as being mostly Sparta Sand and Queen City Sand with not much in the way of fossils. Let me know if you find a spot, I need any excuse I can use to get out of the house when visiting the in-laws.


Brian Evans

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

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Barry, those 2 Mossi teeth are awesome!! The second one in the matrix is a killer display piece.

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