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I Have No Clue But It Looked Cool


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I found this near a coal mine. Any Guesses? Well other than a human brain. The last 2 pictures are of the inside. It has a thin layer of some sort of black crystals on the inside that formed in the cracks and crevices.





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try googling "septarian nodule" these are mineral concretions that for a wide variety of cracked patterns inside of round "mud balls" i have even found some with ammonites inside along with the crystals.


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try googling "septarian nodule" these are mineral concretions that for a wide variety of cracked patterns inside of round "mud balls" i have even found some with ammonites inside along with the crystals.


I agree with you; I`ve even got one with part of a crystalized Hoploparia lobster from the Upper Cretaceous of northen Spain!

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Guest solius symbiosus

To me, they also look like geodes that have undergone a final episode of Manganese precipatation. Do they have a chalcedony rind? What is the age of the rocks where they were found?

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no there is no rind. As far as the age goes all I can do is guess. Everything I find has been removed from the ground long ago because it was in the way of the Coal. If I had to guess I would say Pennsylvanian or Mississipian based on the fern fossils and trees I have found.

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