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Lady Luck

Uncle Siphuncle

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Lovely Rene' flew into San Antonio yesterday, and today we kicked things off with a stomp down the Arroyo of Anonymity. Good finds came to hand - early in the game I grabbed a shark tooth in matrix 4 mosasaur verts and a possible mosasaur scapula eroding out. We then followed that up with heavy bags of Hemiaster texanus echinoids and one Salenia hondoensis-like critter. We then rushed over to another site for a quick grab at some shark, fish, ray, and reptile teeth, and soon Ms. Rene's eyes were calibrated and she was making her own finds. This my friends is a big reason I keep certain sites off the radar. I like them to be ludicrously productive when I take a hottie or my son along and want their success to be a slam dunk. The sweltering Texas sun took its toll by mid afternoon, and we ended the day with a leisurely float down the Guadalupe River in some rented inner tubes followed by a pound of brisket shared at Rudy's BBQ - good times! Pics to follow in my May report (I'm backlogged)


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Sounds like something out of a vacation brochure for Central Texas. :D

(Salt Lick would have been a better BBQ choice. IMO) ;)

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Guest solius symbiosus

Forgive me for asking, and if it is out of line... ignore, but is this the lady that posted the personal? And,if not, does anyone know what became of that?

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No, Rene' is the girl I locked eyes with at my 20 year high school reunion. New to paleo, I take her to slam dunk sites to help her pack maximum success into minimum effort. She can now relate to the thrill of discovery. She got to carry her own bag of fossils back to the truck, so she had to think hard about how much stuff was worth carrying. In short she now feels that she earned her finds through sweat equity and understands that my better sites came through time, research, and fuel spent, with weeding through many unproductive sites per quality site logged. A shrewd parent, she likes my idea of talking her kids into cleaning them for her. They'll enjoy seeing the natural beauty of these specimens emerge with a little elbow grease and value them knowing that Mama found them herself and lugged them out. I got a kick out of watching the bug bite her and see her amass a monster pile of shark teeth and echinoids. She didn't want me to point everything out to her as she wanted to experience the thrill of discovery for herself. And yes I'm playing Chamber of Commerce ambassador this weekend!

Heather (Pathological) is a friend of mine as a result of her presence here on the board. Every now and then we exchange pleasantries via email or Facebook. She's been very busy with work, not doing the fossil grab afield as often as she'd like.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Dan, MikeD said he would wear a short leather skirt and fish net stockings if that would help... :drool:

We just want to know if he'll need to shave in order to get on a hunt with you. heh heh heh

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Dan, MikeD said he would wear a short leather skirt and fish net stockings if that would help... :drool:

We just want to know if he'll need to shave in order to get on a hunt with you. heh heh heh

Ol' Lordy, now I need one of them labota-meeees :faint:

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Sometimes it's best to hunt alone this might be one of them

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Dudes, you have presented quite a disturbing and unsavory mental image. I'll be sure not to run into you guys at a micro site as I have no interest seeing you crawling around in your mini skirts and stockings...I think I'll stick with the Take a Hottie Collecting Initiative.....and all this talk of trannies afield has driven me to collect alone today as Seldom suggests. End results: 5 shark teeth, 10 crabs, 30 echinoids from the Corsicana formation, Upper Cretaceous.....big rains yesterday made for a bountiful harvest today, free from male-ish eyesores....mua ha ha


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Dan, MikeD said he would wear a short leather skirt and fish net stockings if that would help... :drool:

We just want to know if he'll need to shave in order to get on a hunt with you. heh heh heh

Dude! That was just wrong. I guess I'm going to have to get you a leash and tie you to the bumper next time! :P

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Dude! That was just wrong. I guess I'm going to have to get you a leash and tie you to the bumper next time! :P

Easy killer - I think Dan is just playing hard to get !!! heh heh heh

OK Dan, so when do we get to see the last three months of pictures???

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Sounds like a great day! A hottie, some good fossil hunting, a float down the Guadalupe, and some good BBQ. Dude....I don't think it get's much better than that!

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Oh Man

I'll be running out to San Diego all week, but taking my March report on a thumb drive in hopes of completing it out there and sending it to the museum for uploading. This is, of course, if I don't get too distracted in fossil hunting after work each night........


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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