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Florida Fossil


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I found this rib in Gainesville Florida in a creek,it's hallow inside,i was thinking it is from an alligator but ppl from the museum told me it is to big to be from an alligator...from what i know only reptiles and birds have hallow bones,if it;s not from an alligator then maybe bird and the only bird that fits with this size rib it's the "terror" bird...i dont know?! HELP! :)


" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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There's hollow, and then there's hollowlowlow. Most bird bones are very thin-walled; yours may be hollow due to erosion of the chancellous internal bone. Can you get a picture that shows the wall thickness?

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That could be too,from erosion...but then what is it from?


" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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Ok...how is that too big for a gator...or a croc for that matter?

Not an expert but I have seen enough of them big enough to sport that kind of bonage.

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Ok...how is that too big for a gator...or a croc for that matter?

Not an expert but I have seen enough of them big enough to sport that kind of bonage.

i agree, I was thinking gator myself.

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"bonage" :) Have to add that word to my vocabulary (and be careful to use it properly)

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Hah...they also said that alligator ribs are thinner than this, so i dont know?!?! but ill stick with alligator for now.thanks anyway!

" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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I did look over the internet and it does look like an ulna witch is kinda rare to find,to bad that mine is a bit broken,oh well...thanks alot ppl!:)

" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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