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Should I Go To North Sulfur River Tomarrow?


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Ok so i rained today, would tomarrow be a good day to go to the north sulfur river?

Also in the place where there is the sign that says "Ladonia Texas Fossil Park" A year ago i went and didn't find anything. Should i go there again? Will the rain bring new fossils on top?

Also near the north sulfur river there are these creeks that are about half as steep as the north sulfur river, will there be fossils in them? I mean they are about 8- 12 feet deep. What about the streams connected to the main river?

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After it rains it usually takes about 2 days for the water to go down. Yes the dino park on 34 would be good because every time it rains good, new things wash out. As for the adjoining creeks, some have fossils and some don't, you have to know the lay of the land and what layers are exposed in them, to find fossils. I can say I have crawled down in most of them, so I know which ones have fossils, but somethings are better left unsaid, sorry. Monday would be a good day to hunt there because the water will have plenty of time to go down.

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34 is likely as a good a place as any. I'd definitely go Monday as I know some others are already headed in that direction.

Take your water boots and knee pads. Work the gravel beds and hopefully you'll find something.

Snakekeeper found two mosasaur teeth and several verts there last week. A couple of us others found x-fish teeth, verts and other mystery bone parts.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Sure you can go on Sunday, but with the rain we have had here, there will not be much gravel beds exposed yet.

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Sure you can go on Sunday, but with the rain we have had here, there will not be much gravel beds exposed yet.

Will try Monday with my wife, grand & great grandat daughters. Fossil Park hwy 34. Hope to see you there. :)

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

Fossils: Windows to the past

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