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Wings Or Leaves?


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towards the middle at the bottom there is what looks like wings to me. Was wondering what everyone else thougth and if someone could identify it.




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definately leaves. wings from this time period have very pronounced veination. it is similar to macroneuropteris, but not exactly. i will see if i can find a better id for you.


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well, i am still not certain, i would need a better pictures that shows the veins. here is what William Tidwell says in "common fossil plants of western north america"


Neuropteris pinnules were produced by medullosan seed ferns. they have a single-point attachment to the rachis and the midvein extends about 3/4th the distance to the apex. leteral veination is open and arises acutely from the midvien. the lateral veins strike the margin obliquely or at right angles. linopteris is a similar genus but exhibits net veination.

this is the closest thing that i can find. there is also anothe genus Mixoneura, which is similar but is only known from utah as far as i can tell.

hope this helps.


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