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My First Fossil Find!


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I found this in my friends flower garden, She said i could have it. It was found around Blanco Tx. Need help on ID. Me and my son are going to New Mexico this week-end to hunt for fossils, maybe then i will get my true first find. I will post pics if we get anything.


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That's a big ol' gastropod (snail); nice looking, too! One of the Texas members can probably ID it as to Genus and species.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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You'd better start building the fossil barn now, in a few years you're going to need it.

Nice gastropod.

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Sweet, for some reason I have always loved those little fellows and have a pile sitting on my dresser. Good find and good luck with future finds.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

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nice gastropod!

where do you guys plan to fossil-hunt in new mexico?

"don’t you lock up something that you wanted to see fly..." chris cornell / soundgarden

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nice gastropod!

where do you guys plan to fossil-hunt in new mexico?

fossil-femme, I'm not sure,Me and my son are new to this,We know Arrowheads but not fossils. I was thinking between Cloudcroft and Alamogordo on Hwy 82 on the road cuts, as you go down the hill. What do you think? I am open to any sugestions. THANKS BIIL

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As you leave Cloudcroft to Alamogordo you used to go through a tunnel and coming out of it on the right is a high hill, it is black flaky shale and it has horn coral, trilobites, and a few other goodies too. South of Deming you could find some really nice gem grade palm wood and bones. Over at T or C go through the whistle and there is some fossil woods and bones there too, black and green agate has replaced them, very old stuff. Agate and colored Fluorite crystals can be found at Deming too, don't miss Rock Hound State Park and as you come into it, climb right hand hill and look for the yellow perlite flow, it's soft and you can dig out some nice thunder eggs there. There was a nice vein of opal there but this woman from some other start tried to file a claim on it and found out in was in the park and could not. So she blew it up an went to jail. There is usually a ranger there and he or she can tell you where just about everything in the state is.

Have fun and good luck.

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As you leave Cloudcroft to Alamogordo you used to go through a tunnel and coming out of it on the right is a high hill, it is black flaky shale and it has horn coral, trilobites, and a few other goodies too. South of Deming you could find some really nice gem grade palm wood and bones. Over at T or C go through the whistle and there is some fossil woods and bones there too, black and green agate has replaced them, very old stuff. Agate and colored Fluorite crystals can be found at Deming too, don't miss Rock Hound State Park and as you come into it, climb right hand hill and look for the yellow perlite flow, it's soft and you can dig out some nice thunder eggs there. There was a nice vein of opal there but this woman from some other start tried to file a claim on it and found out in was in the park and could not. So she blew it up an went to jail. There is usually a ranger there and he or she can tell you where just about everything in the state is.

Have fun and good luck.

THANKS FOR THE INFO JP! I'm sure we will have a great time, now i'll know in what direction to go. THANKS AGAIN!

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fossil-femme, I'm not sure,Me and my son are new to this,We know Arrowheads but not fossils. I was thinking between Cloudcroft and Alamogordo on Hwy 82 on the road cuts, as you go down the hill. What do you think? I am open to any sugestions. THANKS BIIL

The Hwy 82 roadcuts used to be pretty good, but they may be picked over now because they've been mentioned in quite a few publications.

I checked them out about 5 yrs ago... but I think there's been more construction done through there since, so there may be some fresh exposures.

I live in Alamogordo and can show u a few sites down here if you're interested. It's a very short hike (5-10 min from parking) on easy trails,

and you guys will definitely come back with some finds (mostly brachiopods, crinoids, and corals). The sites are at the base of the

Sacramento Mtns... don't even need to drive out of town.

You can send me a Personal Message thru the forum if you would like more info.



"don’t you lock up something that you wanted to see fly..." chris cornell / soundgarden

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