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I met up with solius symbiosis this afternoon for a little fossil hunting. He took me to a couple great areas, and I found my first crinoid head, and my first trilobite that actually looks like a trilobite. Actually the trilobite was found by solius symbosis a while back, but he didn't feel like trying to load the boulder it was attached to. After beating the rock into submission, we finally got it small enough to load into my truck, for the ride back home. I also loaded a few other rocks that had lots of trilobite pieces exposed, so I'll have some preping to do in my spare time. I didn't bring a camera, but solius symbiosus did. He has to work tonight, but he said he would post some photos tomorrow.

Thanks again to solius symbosis for going out of his way to take me to some great spots.

Thanks also to Anson for this site. I've now gone on hunts in Texas, Indiana, and Kentucky with members that I would have never met up with if it wasn't for The Fossil Forum.

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Guest solius symbiosus

Glad you found some stuff. I only took a few pics, but here they are..

We spent about an hour at the first outcrop. It is a bed of nodular limestone and shale(probably Millersburg mb of the Lexington Lm) inter-tongued in some massive near shore carbonate clastics.

The crinoid that Bowkill found. It is a Reteocrinus sp., and it is a nice one. One of the better ones to come from this locality.


One that I found. It doesn't look like much, but it should prep out nicely.


Here we are at the first outcrop.


Trilobite(Isotelus gigas) that Bowkill picked up at the second outcrop.


He also found another one that appeared to be nearly complete, but it will be tough to prep.

A slab with some partials.


And, while I am at it, this is pic of the Moon, Venus, and Mars that I snapped when I got home this morning. Notice how red Mars looks(it is the red dot below the Moon)


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Guest solius symbiosus

Oh, and that placoderm that he pulled last week... pictures don't do it justice. Verts usually don't do much for me, but I have to admit, I got a little excited seeing that thing.

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Cool trip!

I agree about the forum! I've met new friends and had great trips to FL and SC in the past year.

Hope those trilos prep well.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Sweet finds! Looks like you boys had a great time. This forum is a great place to meet new friends.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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