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Is There Something I Dont Know About The North Sulfur River?


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Ok, so at the North Sulfur River there are these gray rocks, they are very fragile and crumble sometimes in your hands. Ok, so i have found an ammonite in one of these gray rocks but as soon as i held it, the rock crumbled and the ammonite was gone. Are these gray rocks the reason people come to the NSR after it rains? If they dont then why do they?

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Yes fossils can be found in it, When it drys it gets harder but will still break if you hit it right.

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Yes fossils can be found in it, When it drys it gets harder but will still break if you hit it right.

thanks mommabetts

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The gray "rock" is shale which is really laminated clay. It can have a varying amount of clay content. Some shale can little clay and be powdery and disintegrate rapidly when wet. Some shale can have a lot of clay and be slippery and sticky when wet.

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that shale is extremely fissile. it's fissilitinessitude is legend aerie.

(threw the "aerie" reference in for auspex)

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that shale is extremely fissile. it's fissilitinessitude is legend aerie.

(threw the "aerie" reference in for auspex)

Wow, can you please repeat that but with translations? :D

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that shale is extremely fissile. it's fissilitinessitude is legend aerie.

(threw the "aerie" reference in for auspex)

I've learned how to tell the difference between the thin fossil-bearing layer of clay in the NSR and the underlying fossil-free layer.

The fossils provide the only friction available in either. I have never fallen on my so many times in knee deep water as I did trying to cross and re-cross 30' of the substrate clay as I did last Sunday! Sure, there was a strong current, but that gray clay is WAY more slippery than ice!

Seriously, at one stage in my life I was going to be a ski pro, and I've ice skated, roller bladed and skateboarded all my life, and I've NEVER found it so difficult to hold my balance as I did on the gray layer of clay!

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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Sounds like you re-learned that common lesson: "gravity is not your friend!" :faint:

You'll need to get spikes next time...

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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