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Today's Fl Creek Trip


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Decided at 2 PM I was going to head off to the creek for a few hours even though it was thundering and pouring outside... I figured the creek would probably still be flooded from the tons of rain we had recently, but I had to give it a try... Thankfully it was just about perfect to hunt, so I ran off with the shovel and screen..

First find of the day.


Found this right on the top of the shovel.


Found a bunch of stuff in between...Nothing really nice that would have made a great pic... I looked at the watch and realized I was going to be late getting back (had to be somewhere at 5:30) so I decided to take one more quick screen full... Sure enough, it never fails... That last shovel full I see most of a meg sticking out of the shovel...But wait... No serrations!?!? a mako???



SCORE! Over 2 3/4! Biggest mako to date... Not bad for a FL creek find when you only have a couple hours to spare, eh?



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Hey what about a group shot of everything you found?

I edited the post and added the other stuff.


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I seen it you need to learn to zoom a little better :P I wanna see a better pic of that white one it looks nice.

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Cool stuff all I got today way sun

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Great stuff! That artifact is pretty cool looking.

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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I seen it you need to learn to zoom a little better :P I wanna see a better pic of that white one it looks nice.

The white meg? If you look closely, it's chipped.. The lighter colored mako is nice, though.



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You are so lucky to be able to find shark teeth that big. Ours are all small. You did great for just a couple of hours to spare. Thanks of sharing with us.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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Very nice Cris! We're waiting for the rain to let up to go diving again. With the coffee water and clouds, it's impossible to see more than a few inches. Hopefully, we can go sometime next week. If not, I'm up for some creek digging! :-)


All your fossils are belong to us

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Very nice Cris! We're waiting for the rain to let up to go diving again. With the coffee water and clouds, it's impossible to see more than a few inches. Hopefully, we can go sometime next week. If not, I'm up for some creek digging! :-)


I've got some nice spots in the river for when it clears up... Lots of mammoth and mastodon stuff.. Probably about 25 feet deep... How deep will that machine put you two guys? The mosquitoes are insane at the creeks right now, but I think after yesterday I might deal with it for a few more trips until the river clears back...You guys are welcome to join.

Oh, and PaleoRon... Thanks again for the shovel advice...makes a huge difference.


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Awesome finds Cris!!!!!

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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I've got some nice spots in the river for when it clears up... Lots of mammoth and mastodon stuff.. Probably about 25 feet deep... How deep will that machine put you two guys? The mosquitoes are insane at the creeks right now, but I think after yesterday I might deal with it for a few more trips until the river clears back...You guys are welcome to join.

Oh, and PaleoRon... Thanks again for the shovel advice...makes a huge difference.

Please share 'shovel advice'??!!?? I need all the coaching I can get with the creek style fossil hunting! :-)


All your fossils are belong to us

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I've got some nice spots in the river for when it clears up... Lots of mammoth and mastodon stuff.. Probably about 25 feet deep... How deep will that machine put you two guys? The mosquitoes are insane at the creeks right now, but I think after yesterday I might deal with it for a few more trips until the river clears back...You guys are welcome to join.

Oh, and PaleoRon... Thanks again for the shovel advice...makes a huge difference.

You're welcome. I'm glad it helped you to score more of those colorful Florida teeth. Nice finds!!!

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Please share 'shovel advice'??!!?? I need all the coaching I can get with the creek style fossil hunting! :-)


I was using my trusty old arrowhead hunting spade... A 3 foot long square ended shovel... He told me to switch to a long pointed shovel and it makes a HUGE difference for digging in gravel.


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Very nice finds! The picture of the shovel with the mako peeking out is too cool. :)

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