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Salenia Heaven And Then Some!


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Owen--yesterday was about the best time I ever had hunting fossils with other people. Unfortunately today I went out with my dogs--and we were having a stellar time--until some fat slob decided to roll up and inform me that if my dogs came onto his property, he would shoot them. I am so frikkin respectful of property and my dogs are so well behaved (especially my 12 YO Black Lab Otis who has cancer)--and we were on nobody's property--just the side of the road. I explained to this guy that I would never allow my pups to harass any goats or sheep--and I thought that would be the end of it. Then he said "Make sure they don't." And he glared at me. I said I wouldn't let my dogs cross onto private property and he started to drive away--and he said "you better not."

I said "you dont have to be nasty about it--my dogs stay right with me."

"You aren't from around here--and I will shoot your dogs if they cross that fence."

Right then, I saw red. I am 42 YO and I have never had ANYONE threaten my little friends. If you met my dogs, you would understand. That is a line you do NOT cross. You can threaten me all day long but if you turn a gun on my dogs--be prepared! I basically told this fat slob that if his son was not in the back seat--I would have invited him to step out the car and settle this man-to-man. Then he said he had a gun on him--and I lost it. I told him get out the F-ing car without your gun and let's settle this --He declined.

The whole time Noodles, Otis and Ellie were wagging their tails, wanting to say hi to this idiot who wanted to shoot them. GRRRRRRRR

Yeah sounds like the guy with the dogs is a pure jerk alright , thinking they own property that is not theirs .

Letting dogs run wild is against the law is it not ?

Sounds like the guy needed to call the Sheriff on the guy with the dogs and have him arrested , dang City folks think they own everything , guy with the dogs was wrong ! Grrrrrrrr !

Told a Marine if he did not shut his loud mouth I would slap him silly , things got quite after that !

Hunting fossils is fun , but discovering is better !

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Told a Marine if he did not shut his loud mouth I would slap him silly , things got quite after that !

Ya I bet you did, how long were you in the hospital NSRaddict_1?

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You can have your dogs off-leash if you are out of the Austin city limits and you are right that fat slob apparently thought he owned the road we were on. Oh man--I should have kicked his but who needs the jail time?

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Texas does not have a state-wide leash law. Some cities do and some do not, in the country none at all. Your dog is free to walk with you any road that is not private property. In fact, most Trail Riders take their dogs with them!

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Yeah sounds like the guy with the dogs is a pure jerk alright , thinking they own property that is not theirs .

Letting dogs run wild is against the law is it not ?

Sounds like the guy needed to call the Sheriff on the guy with the dogs and have him arrested , dang City folks think they own everything , guy with the dogs was wrong ! Grrrrrrrr !

Told a Marine if he did not shut his loud mouth I would slap him silly , things got quite after that !

Ya I bet you did, how long were you in the hospital NSRaddict_1?


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The most bizarre thing was that a thunderstorm was heading in and Otis is so afraid of them that he stuck like glue to my side--I actually had to physically move him to get him outta the way so I could see the ground! And all Noodles cares about is chasing rocks so she just stands there staring at me until I throw one. So none of these dogs were exactly rampaging through the fields.

BY the way I found thirty more Loriolas yesterday and maybe ten Salenia. Great day!

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Even a Dino hunter like me, love what you found

Great stuff :o

But I will have to say that guy is not a ,

he is just an every day Ahole :rolleyes:

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A well camoflauged mantis admiring a gastropod.

I MUST be blonde.... I had to have stared at this pic for over a minute looking for the "Well camouflaged mantis" thinking to myself "Boy, he isn't joking...some animals are MASTERS at blending in!" ........... Boy I feel stupid :P:D


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Owen--yesterday was about the best time I ever had hunting fossils with other people. Unfortunately today I went out with my dogs--and we were having a stellar time--until some fat slob decided to roll up and inform me that if my dogs came onto his property, he would shoot them. I am so frikkin respectful of property and my dogs are so well behaved (especially my 12 YO Black Lab Otis who has cancer)--and we were on nobody's property--just the side of the road. I explained to this guy that I would never allow my pups to harass any goats or sheep--and I thought that would be the end of it. Then he said "Make sure they don't." And he glared at me. I said I wouldn't let my dogs cross onto private property and he started to drive away--and he said "you better not."

I said "you dont have to be nasty about it--my dogs stay right with me."

"You aren't from around here--and I will shoot your dogs if they cross that fence."

Right then, I saw red. I am 42 YO and I have never had ANYONE threaten my little friends. If you met my dogs, you would understand. That is a line you do NOT cross. You can threaten me all day long but if you turn a gun on my dogs--be prepared! I basically told this fat slob that if his son was not in the back seat--I would have invited him to step out the car and settle this man-to-man. Then he said he had a gun on him--and I lost it. I told him get out the F-ing car without your gun and let's settle this --He declined.

The whole time Noodles, Otis and Ellie were wagging their tails, wanting to say hi to this idiot who wanted to shoot them. GRRRRRRRR

BobC, I about saw red just reading this... I can't STAND idiots (I need a bumper sticker that says that..oh and don't read my above post :D). Seriously, though.. That IS a line you don't cross... I have animals that are like parts of the family.. I guess most rednecks see dogs as a "huntin' tool" and nothing more... The man was obviously a coward to mention that he had a gun on him. And check out the lesson the man is teaching his kid.. "Carry guns with you and threaten to shoot people's pets and then them for no real reason". That's alright, people with IQs lower than their shoe size don't normally live long anyways. (He'll probably jump off his roof with some plywood strapped to his arms trying to fly)


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Call that site "White Castle", 'cause you find 'em by the bag...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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What a great trip....makes it all worth while.

I'm drawn to that sharktooth in the matrix.

It has a really nice side cusp showing.

I bet your gonna keep it in the matrix :)

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Thanks Cris. When I was in 4th Grade my mother made me dump my beloved Beagle Dincus out in the country somewhere and I had to watch Dincus running after the car. That was a horrible thing to do to a kid and a dog--and I had nightmares for days of him having to eat garbage and snarge like that. In the end Dincus found his way home and I told my parents if they tried to get rid of him again I would run away and take my dog with me. They didn't try me--and Dincus lived to be 23 YO. So anyway I think that incident made me love dogs so much and I am fiercely protective of them. I know they'd fight for me too.

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Thanks Cris. When I was in 4th Grade my mother made me dump my beloved Beagle Dincus out in the country somewhere and I had to watch Dincus running after the car. That was a horrible thing to do to a kid and a dog--and I had nightmares for days of him having to eat garbage and snarge like that. In the end Dincus found his way home and I told my parents if they tried to get rid of him again I would run away and take my dog with me. They didn't try me--and Dincus lived to be 23 YO. So anyway I think that incident made me love dogs so much and I am fiercely protective of them. I know they'd fight for me too.

Wendy wants you to post more pix of noodly doodly dog!

I'm likewise very glad that the guy wasn't stupid enough to get out of the car.

He'll get his self into trouble sooner or later, and we don't have to worry about the consequences! Still, I'd call the sheriff and report him for threatening you.

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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MikeD - Great in situ pics. Thanks for showing them.

Are the Exogyras by the trowel costata sp.?

Looks like great finds by all. Congratulations.

Words from beyond arm's length can make you dead right. Irrational people are unpredictable; discussion is not an option...(they're irrational). Be careful out there guys...you have too many more discoveries to make and share.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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What a great trip....makes it all worth while.

I'm drawn to that sharktooth in the matrix.

It has a really nice side cusp showing.

I bet your gonna keep it in the matrix :)

Absolutley! I may blast it just enough to expose the cusp on the other side.

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MikeD - Great in situ pics. Thanks for showing them.

Are the Exogyras by the trowel costata sp.?

Looks like great finds by all. Congratulations.

Words from beyond arm's length can make you dead right. Irrational people are unpredictable; discussion is not an option...(they're irrational). Be careful out there guys...you have too many more discoveries to make and share.

Thanks. I will have to do a little research on the Exogyras (thanks for the tip). These are the best specimens I have collected so far. The few other ones I have found are very water worn. Bob said he thought there were two species to be found there and from the looks of some of them, he is probably right. I filled a 5 gallon bucket a little over halfway with them. I'm not an oyster guy, but I have friends who are! Pat!?

Cris, that guy is camo'ed pretty well.... :P

And for those rednecks out there that are making threats about having a gun, the people in Texas that are allowed to legally carry a gun don't broadcast it. They just pull them out and fire when it becomes necessary.

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Thanks Cris. When I was in 4th Grade my mother made me dump my beloved Beagle Dincus out in the country somewhere and I had to watch Dincus running after the car. That was a horrible thing to do to a kid and a dog--and I had nightmares for days of him having to eat garbage and snarge like that. In the end Dincus found his way home and I told my parents if they tried to get rid of him again I would run away and take my dog with me. They didn't try me--and Dincus lived to be 23 YO. So anyway I think that incident made me love dogs so much and I am fiercely protective of them. I know they'd fight for me too.

Hurray for Dincus!

and BobC, hurray for you for standing up for your canine companions!


"don’t you lock up something that you wanted to see fly..." chris cornell / soundgarden

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MikeD - Great in situ pics. Thanks for showing them.

Are the Exogyras by the trowel costata sp.?

John - yes, costatas. I got two that have both shells and minimal damage to the edges. That is what was coming directly out of the formation.


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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I know about ten other locations to get those guys (the devil's toenails) if anybody is intrested. The other locations are far less picked over. Let me know if anybody wants to find some. It's a short easy trip from Austin (less than ten minutes)

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Hey Owen--did Wendy see these videos--here is one of Noodles playing dead:

And here's one of her singing:

And here's one of her getting attacked by a deer:

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Hey Owen--did Wendy see these videos--here is one of Noodles playing dead:

And here's one of her singing:

And here's one of her getting attacked by a deer:

Bob - Thanks! We'll look at them tonight!


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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I have found that the shark tooth and shell impressions are Eocene (which I suspected). I have it narrowed down to two or three possible formations as they are all exposed in that hillside. More research needed for a final determination (and I have found quite a bit of material on that area). I will ask one of my paleontologist friends for a confirmation after I think I have it figured out. This research will hopefully also lead me to some interesting Eocene echinoid fossils.

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