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Petrified Wood


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I have this polished slice of petrified wood and I am not sure where it from or what it is. My best guess is Juniper or Cypress petrified wood from Oregon. What do you think it is and where do you think it is from? It is about 2" x 2".



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Here's two closer up pics. I guess you need a microscope or something to specifically identify it. But, all I am looking for is an educated guess or generalized identification. About the best I have is a 15x loupe. But, I don't know anything about identifying petrified wood. Except the difference between palm wood and other woods. I think this piece is some sort of conifer.



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Cool piece of wood! Im not an expert but im pretty sure its very hard to determin species in terms of wood because of the different variations in size, scars or deformities when growing. Does you piece have any branch scars? patterns ect...this may help in ID'ing it. Also do you know age or formation?

Regards Chris

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

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I don't have a clue what formation or even what state is from. I don't need a definite identification. Even a guess or opinion would go a long ways. Petrified wood is very hard to identify.


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