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Old Usgs Filed Trip Guide

Guest N.AL.hunter

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Guest N.AL.hunter

I had told some members about going out this weekend for a site search using an old USGS Field Trip Guide I found online. Well it went to six stops with a few more smaller ones along the way. Site one, overgrown and covered with large limestone rocks to prevent erosion. Site two, can't get to without boat, and then it is covered with Kudzoo. Site three, Famous Little Stave Creek and is now private property. Site four, flooded. Site five, flooded. Site six, flooded. Along the way, Tallhatta Creek, flooded. Bashi Creek, flooded. Limestone Creek, flooded. It rained on us all day long, both days out, so we came home a day early. I am not saying the proper fossil god prayers.

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Skunked! Bummer :(

Don't give up!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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hmmm is there any chance that you could get to some of the flooded sites when there is less rain?

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At least your reconnaissance provided some useful information. Sorry about the lack of fossils.

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Maybe after the rains stop you can get to some of the places. Sorry about no fossils, maybe next time.

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Too bad about the rainey trip. Some 30+ years ago I was able to collect at the Little Stave Creek location in Jackson, Alabama. It was some of the best collecting I ever did. The location was in private hands then but collecting was permitted. At some point the property changed hands (inheritance or ?) and the site has been closed. I collected in the Gosport Sand Formation at Claiborne Bluff on the Alabama River, its the same formation as Little Stave Creek but not nearly as easy collecting as it is on the side of the bluff about half way up and very steep. I don't think I am physically able to attempt that site again, collecting was good though. I am looking for a Gosport Sand Formation collecting site I could get into. I would love to collect it again and complete my Claiborne collection.

I am also interested in other Eocene and Paleocene fossil sites of the Gulf Coast. Could you share with me the title and author of that USGS Field Guide you were using. I would like to acquire a copy for my library. If you are interested, I can recomend L.D. Toulmin's "Stratigraphic Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene Fossils in the Eastern Gulf Coast Region" published by the Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph 13, Vol 1 and 2. Vol 1 ( the meat of the publication ) is still in print and available. This publication has a section on fossil locations. I cannot vouch for the collectability of the locations sited.


The Eocene is my favorite

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Guest N.AL.hunter


We did stop at Claiborne Bluff on this trip. I had been there before when I was able to collect large sand dollars and several types of shark teeth. Now it is all overgrown except for a very small section. I did find one tooth this trip, but nothing else!!

The Field Trip guide is actually a Geological Society of America guide called, "Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Southwestern Alabama. A Guidebook for Field Trip 1".

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