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Gmr Echnoid!


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I took my 5-year old daughter to the Aurora Fossil Festival (Aurora, NC) this past weekend and then to the Green Mill Run (GMR) in Greenville, NC on Sunday for her first fossil collecting expedition. I probably shoveled only three gravel screen loads when she came up to me and stated that she found a sand dollar (barely in the water next to the large gravel bank that we started screening at). I was busy picking out teeth in my quarter inch screen when I decided to see what she really found. "DOUGH" (Homer). I couldn't believe what I was seeing. An echnoid!! Talk about beginners luck !!! I was dumbfounded on what I was holding, not to mention the condition of it considering how bad the GMR can wear fossils down. I never heard of anyone finding an echnoid at the GMR and was wondering if anyone else has ever found / known anyone who has found one.

Finally got an ID from Mr. Dewayne Varnam of the East Coast Fossil Club (echnoid collector) who stated that she found a Hardouinia mortonis (Michelin, 1850) from the late Cretaceous, Peedee Formation.

Gas - $40

Hotel - $100

2 days of fossil hunting with my daughter and finding her Pièce de résistance on her first fossil expedition - Priceless

She was also proud of her almost 1" Squalicorax pristodotus that she pulled out of her 1/2 screen.

Thanks again for the ID Dewayne.

I'm a very proud father and had to share the news.

- Brad




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That is too cool! Good for her.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Wow great trip, great finds and great pics. Your daughter is beautiful, she looks so cute holding the echinoid :)

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See, this is the problem. Kids, they are built low to the ground and their eyesight is a lot better than ours so they find all the good fossils. It doesn't end there, next she will probably take the fossil to school for "Show and Tell" and all the other kids will get interested in fossils and then they will all be out picking up the good one and then they will all learn to read and the next thing you know they are all in the library checking out the good fossil I.D. books and I'll have to wait in line to even get in the library and then they will probably start writing books on fossils for all the scientific journals using words I can't pronounce and don't know what they mean anyway but it doesn't matter because the kids will have already picked up all the good fossils that I couldn't see. LOL

Congratulations, it sounded like a really great trip. May you have many more.


The Eocene is my favorite

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... Kids, they are built low to the ground and their eyesight is a lot better than ours so they find all the good fossils....


HA! That's been my contention for a long time. In addition, their quicker memory is a function of less upstairs <pointing to head> to go through! :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Priceless is right!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Wow, what luck!! It was nice to meet you at the festival (I was with MikeDOTB). Your daughter is even more beautiful than the pics!

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That's awesome - great pic, too! That one needs to get blown up and framed for your office!

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Very cool! Didn't know you could find them there! :)

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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News to me finding that there. Remind me to borrow your daughter when I want to upgrade my GMR stuff... ;)

Be true to the reality you create.

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