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One More Try...


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I've posted this once before, but it was late, and yada..yada..yada.....I still can't figure it out. It's a weather-worn bone from the NSR, but the zig-zag pattern has me curious. I would appreciate any ideas on what..why??



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There are a hundred pecten's out there with that shape, but just a few with shell thin enough to dissolve away and it maybe one of them. This pattern is an engineering marvel, more strength, feeding area, less room. Look and a Lopha.

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I've posted this once before, but it was late, and yada..yada..yada.....I still can't figure it out. It's a weather-worn bone from the NSR, but the zig-zag pattern has me curious. I would appreciate any ideas on what..why??

I agree that it's NSR bone, so the question is what's it from and which bone, right?

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that the zig-zag is a skull suture. Given the thickness of the bone, that would most likely make it a thick section of Mosasaur skull.

Have you compared it to any of the many Mosasaur pics on the Oceans of Kansas site?

EDIT: On second thoughts, after I looked at all the Mosasaur skulls on the OoK site, I can't see any sutures in the bones. Perhaps they're not present in Mosasaurs?

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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you see that with skulls now we find skulls from marine mammals up here but its the same idea.

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I really don't think it's a bi-valve. The skull suture idea someone mentioned before. The pattern does go all the way through, so I think this is a distinct possibility.

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It is bone but that might be all you are able to find out. Maybe from a skull, but the piece is so small that I don't think you will ever find out from what. With the bone fragment, because of the sutures, you can guess maybe skull but to guess what it is from, the possibility of it's origin, I think, is impossible to determine.

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Well in skull suture, doesn't the suture go up and down not side ways like the growth on an oyster, well some types. check out the photos at the bottom and the top.

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