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I Found A Huge Dinosaur Claw


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well, maybe not, but the title of the topic oughta get a few extra views than normal, huh?

but seriously, i was reluctant to post this at all, because probably 78 percent of viewers will ask themselves, "selves, why is he posting this drivel?" but it's that inquiring minds wanting to know thing. the below pictures are of a toe/claw core/articulating-surfaced object for which the remaining articulating surface is approximately 1.5 inches (s0rry you metric-ers) high. the origin of this pristine piece of pleistoceneaity is of course a pleistocene fluvialiticious gravelness. before you tell me that the piece has slight damage, i'm already aware, and will therefore not list it for sale anywhere without adding to the description "ANIB".

So anyway, i'm posting the pictures in a minute down below this typing, and i would greatly appreciate if anybody could proffer their studied opinions regarding the genus, specie, subspecie, and what color eyes the critter had which previously considered this a necessary appendage, may it rest in peace(s) (little ones).





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I think the eyes were blue, but only because I like blue eyes, But they they could have been green, and if they were then that means he was a little devil but they might have been brown but that could mean that he was full of snarge.

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So what's hazel?

That could be that it didn't know if it wanted to throw up or snarge.

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I think the eyes were blue, but only because I like blue eyes, But they they could have been green, and if they were then that means he was a little devil but they might have been brown but that could mean that he was full of snarge.

And just what color are your eyes ????? :P

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um, folks - so far this topic isn't working out as i'd planned. i mean, i'm very concerned about ya'll's eyes and everything, but there's a whatchamacallit up there needing to be identified, and then we can talk all night about ya'll's eyes.

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Cool find but I do not know what

it's from even. Don't even have a guess

but think it's mammal.

Welcome to the forum!

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You know I don't have a clue what it is but I still think it's cool. Thank god my eyes are green and not brown!

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Alfred North Whithead

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"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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tracer..........I have 'no eye deer' what it is..............

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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ok, well, then, i'm going with BHC until somebody gives me a better eye color. thanks.

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ok, well, then, i'm going with BHC until somebody gives me a better eye color. thanks.

Big Honkin' Claw?

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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well, they said "bison hoof core", but "big honkin' claw" does have a ring to it. i wish instead i could have found a giant mammoth neck vertebrae, because then i could experience the thrill of having a "barely heftable cervical".

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Actually, it's a green eyed Buffalo shoe horn (size 10).

Be true to the reality you create.

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well, they said "bison hoof core", but "big honkin' claw" does have a ring to it. i wish instead i could have found a giant mammoth neck vertebrae, because then i could experience the thrill of having a "barely heftable cervical".

Barely Heftable Cervical and the Green Eyed Beauties sounds like a good band name!



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Nice whatchamacallit claw core from the hazel eyed.. (must be a devil full of snarge)

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