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I have an insect like fossil in a rock hard casing. If someone can tell me how to send pictures to the website I'll put up some pics.

Lovin fossils!

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It's still blurry, but I do see an extra set of hands? :)

I know it's blurry, but the thing is so small and I can't find a bright enough room. But that is a set of hands, along with a head, body, and tail. ;)

Lovin fossils!

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way to blurry to tell but I'd have to say it's not looking to much like a fossil. Oh and that second picture is almost creepy for some reason lol!

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I suck at photos, but there is a close-up setting on my camera. The close-ups will not load on here unless they are cropped (fix feature) in the pictures program on your pc. I have also noticed they can appear blurry if you are not the right distance from the object. It doesn't appear that lighting is your problem. good luck. :)

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See whether your camera has a macro setting, often designated with a tulip icon:


Get as much light on it as you can, too.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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