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Archeoceti skulls 3d WIP


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Hello again,

on my constant search for  3d archeoceti references I stumbled upon a method that seems very promising:


I took a 3d scan of a dog skull that I scanned myself via photogrammetry and twisted it around until it looked more or less dorudontine to me. That´s much less work than building the dorudon-skull from primitive shapes. Took me about 3 hours so far.

This Method seems nearly unlimited to me (for artistic uses anyway) Take the closest recent skull you can get and transform it into your species of choice.

I have never done anything like that before (not digitally at least) and after one day trying around Iam astonished at the result. Archeoceti here I come!


here is the 2d reference I used:



I hope for contructive advice on what is still wrong with the skull. Does it have to look so evil from the front? that´s what came out when I tried to recreate the top- and side view.


Best Regards, J










Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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I´d especially like some advice on two things:

-The bullae/ periotic bones are just as they where in the dog, only distorted with the rest of the skull. Does anyone know a good source on how they would have looked in basilosaurids?

-This skull model is completely symmetrical due to the process of making it. As far as I know Basilosaurids began to have the typically asymmetrical skulls of whales. But how? I cannot see it in tha references I use.



Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • 4 weeks later...

interesting idea... but i suspect there is a lot of 'carving', 'sculpting' and reshaping  to do.  

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Thanks for the feedback.


There surelyis a lot more to do, until now I only tried to get the prportions right from the sourcesI had, that took about 2 hours.

I think I will achieve something sufficient for my 1/25th scale model.



Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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1 hour ago, Mahnmut said:

I think I will achieve something sufficient for my 1/25th scale model.




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  • 1 year later...


I tinkered around with the technique some more to generate skull models I could´t realize otherwise. Hydrodamalis and Kutchicetus.

Dorudon I abandoned after finding a great rekonstruction.

Both are derived/distorted from my selfscanned dogskull (After I scanned the mandibula also, witch I didn´t print.)

As a reference for Kutchicetus I used the great reconstruction by Christopher Chavez.





For Hydrodamalis I used a lot of different fotos of the few remaining skulls I found on the net


I like the outcome.



Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • 3 months later...


I just sent another chimaera skull to the printer.

Aetiocetus polydentatus, composed of an  Orca scan from Morphosource and a Minke whale from Phenome 10K

I think it worked somewhat better than Dorudon out of the dog.

Maybe this evolution stuff is true after all.. ;)




Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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