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Du Pain, Du Vin Et Des Oursins (part Ii)


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After spending a lot of time on the renovation of and addition to my house, the family decided it was time for a break, before starting the new project: re-landscaping of the garden!

So, last May - yes this report is seriously outdated - we headed off for Normandy, France and spent a week there, relaxing.

Now you should know that my spouse and I have different notions of what the word "relaxing" entails ...... needless to say my notion includes the words "fossil" & "hunting" ... :P

To cut an otherwise (too) long story short: despite explicit promises to my wife that I would not overdo fossil hunting this time, I did get my "shots", with these pictures to show for it.

Looked for fossils @ 3 places:

1. Les Vaches Noires:

supposedly "fossil heaven", but I found nothing, apart from some shells.

Main causes: this place is hit hard by hundreds if not thousands of collectors a year and there were lots of sand covering the beachheads which hold most of the ammonites! That and the fact that climbing the cliffs, required for finding echs that are in the upper ranges, is strictly fordbidden by law. (Though I did see a speck representing a daredevil/outlaw, way up there ........)

Some pics of this place:

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Remnants of WWII


The daredevil/outlaw caught in the act ...


2. Port en Bessin:

Lots of traces of ammonites. Found a couple myself, including half of an ammonite with a diameter of some 60 cm! It took me about an hour and an half to free that one from the bedrock!

Some pics (More to come in the next post)

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"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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2. Port en Bessin (cont'd):

The "Big One"

Unfortunately, I was pressed for time (the tide and the wife, not necessarily in that order... ;) ) and I did not get it out in one piece. Closer inspection of the edges of the piece @ home, showed that the ends were covered in clay, so most likely the piece was already broken as it lay in the bedrock. BTW: this matrix is extremely hard: the first time I was there I turned my chisel into a fishing hook <_< , but this time I came prepared ....

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An imprint



"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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2. Port en Bessin (cont'd):

Another imprint


The cliff-face as seen from the sea @ low tide


"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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3. Fécamp:

Found several nice Micrasters, Conulus and Echinocorys echinoids.

My wife even found a nice section of a Cidaris-type echinoid! Maybe this time the virus is there to stay ..... :D



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"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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Late or not, that is one great report! It looks like you found some good fossils and had a great family outing. ^_^



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Well done, Paul! Your reports are always well constructed and enjoyable.

How's the landscaping getting on?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Great finds Paul. Dont worry, everytime we plan a vacation, I make sure theres somewhere close that I can hunt for fossils too!!

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Well done, Paul! Your reports are always well constructed and enjoyable.

How's the landscaping getting on?

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Need I say more ..... ;)

"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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