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Hello, my guess:


1 - Look liks a bivalve mold;

2 - maybe a internal cast of a bivalve;

3 - I don'se anything there (it's the verse of nº 2?);

4 - Turritella;

5 - Some kind of Bryozoan;

6 - Coral;

7 - some kind of Coral or Bryozoan;


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My guesses :

1 - bivalve mold
2 - bivalve shell in internal view
3 - not clearly visible, but there could be echinoid plates, or crinoid plates
4 - gastropod in chert
5 - calcified scheletons of fenestrate bryozoans
6 - coral transverse section in chert
7 - the upper one - maybe encrusting bryozoan or coral;
     the lower one - crinoid column with pentagonal or tetragonal columnals ( probably the former)


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