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Fossil Hunting In Ontario Canada?


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I found this site today while trying to research the possibility of fossil hunting in Ontario. My son has an incredible interest in fossils and has been begging me to go hunting but unfortunately I thought there were no areas in Ontario that would allow him to do so.

I have read some suggestions on Hungry Hollow in Ontario and was wondering if anyone has taken children to this site (aged 10). He has a very high level of patience and is keenly interested. I read it is private property though and was wondering if anyone has had any difficulty?

We live in South Western Ontario, near the Bruce Penninsula, but I am from the Ottawa area originally. If there is anywhere in Ontario I am willing to travel :)

Thank you all for your help!

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Welcome to the forum.

Hungry Hollow would be a great place for a beginner to start. There are lots of fossils and most of them are loose, so collecting is a breeze. Just don't expect anything large. There are other sites around, but they'd be a bit of a drive for you. You may want to look into the London Gem and Mineral Society. They also do fossil hunts and the president, Tim Jokela is a real nice guy. Here's a link to them


There are sites in the Lake Simcoe area (where I am) and up around Ottawa. Beyond that, I'm looking for new places as well

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Thank you for your response!

I am assuming that the Hungry Hollow site is different than the Rock Glen Conservation Area? Would you reccomend one over the other? I think we may find a local motel and make a two day trip of it so that he can spend the day searching at either location.

Do you recomend any specific tools? I have read that most are loose, but are some under shallow water? I apologize for all of my questions. I was only raised with 2 other sisters and I've been struggling to keep up to his dinosaur/fossil fascination since he was three :)

Travel for us is not an issue. I went to school up North , grew up near the Ottawa Valley and now am here in Bruce County.. we travel a lot :)

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Rock Glen is a conservation area close to Hungry Hollow, and as I know it, you are limited to the amount of fossils they will let you remove, plus you have to pay an admission fee. On the other hand, there is a small museum there to see the types of fossils and artifacts that can be found. Hungry Hollow is free with the only limit being the one you set. All you need for tools would be a screwdriver or jack-knife at most. Knee pads would be good if youplan to sit and sift through the piles. Just remember to bring a pail to hold your things, you can't drive all the way in.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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I found this site today while trying to research the possibility of fossil hunting in Ontario. My son has an incredible interest in fossils and has been begging me to go hunting but unfortunately I thought there were no areas in Ontario that would allow him to do so.

I have read some suggestions on Hungry Hollow in Ontario and was wondering if anyone has taken children to this site (aged 10). He has a very high level of patience and is keenly interested. I read it is private property though and was wondering if anyone has had any difficulty?

We live in South Western Ontario, near the Bruce Penninsula, but I am from the Ottawa area originally. If there is anywhere in Ontario I am willing to travel :)

Thank you all for your help!

Hello youngfossilhunter

This is a link a found about Hungry Hollow directions: http://www.earth.uwaterloo.ca/services/mus...ls/fldtrip.html

I am also new to fossil hunting and my kids are interested, too. We are planning to visit Hungry Hollow maybe next week or the week after.

For starters there is one more place, the Rock Farm in Bancroft, ON where you might run into some easy grab fossils and have fun with rocks:


There are rocks, minerals and some fossils from dozens of mines and other locations and you can collect whatever you like. You have to pay at the end, as far as I remember $1.50/lb. But you can take a hammer with you can take only the amount you want.

I was there with the kids and really liked it. We picked up a lot of nice rocks, too.

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Thank you again everyone for your responses!

We are very excited to venture down there now and see what treasures he can unearth. You have completely made his day (I didn't mention anything to him until I knew for sure it was a possibility)

Northern Sharks: Thank you for the tip on what tools to bring with us, as well as the bucket. I would hate to be unprepared.

Fossil Raccoon: Good luck with your kids there in a couple weeks! Who knows, we may run into each other!

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