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Some Teeth From Khouribga Marocco Collection


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Nice collection you've got there. Does anyone out there have a source, in print or on the web, for identifying Moroccan Sand-tiger shark teeth. I have about 40 or so lined up on the bottom of my display case and I can't seem to find a reference to ID them.

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Nice collection you've got there. Does anyone out there have a source, in print or on the web, for identifying Moroccan Sand-tiger shark teeth. I have about 40 or so lined up on the bottom of my display case and I can't seem to find a reference to ID them.

Try to find:

Les Vertébrés Fossiles del gisements de Phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie) par Camille Arambourg

Notes et Mémoires nº 92

It seems the bible for a african shark teeths, more authors exist also who are review this work.


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Northern sharks:

the above publication is in the 1952 series:

'Notes et Memoires du Service Geologique du Maroc'

I don't know where you are in Ontario but try the university library nearest to you. Some universities with a geology programme have a separate more extensive geology library. Here in Calgary we have two dedicated Geology librairies. If you can't find the publication, in Canada you can do an inter library loan and they will send it from a source or send you a photocopy at no or minimum cost (do this through a main branch). There are also a couple of Geological Survey of Canada librairies. If you are in the Ottawa area contact them and mention your interest and they will give you a small tour of the facility and, if they have time, help you find articles. etc.

The Morocco series is also good for anyone who tries to identify Devonian material (all those phacopida trilobites) from Morocco.

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For sure, Moroccan Sand-tiger shark teeth are difficult to pin down - the above listed ref is one of my favorites , but many of the names have changed, and continue to do so. You can also try to find a copy of:

Cappetta, H.. Chondrichthyes II. 1987. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii in

Schultze, H-P (ed), Handbook of Paleoichthyology, vol. 3B, 193 p. Gustav Fisher Verlag. Stuttgart, New York.

Though it is not specific to Moroccan teeth, it may help with a few. (caution, this is an expensive book, so try to find a used copy if you can).

Also try some of the dealer web sites. One of them that seems to have a good handle on IDs (though I have come across errors) is http://www.buriedtreasurefossils.com/ . They have a section for Moroccan teeth, and most of the IDs are correct - NOTE: I am not making an endorsement of purchasing from http://www.buriedtreasurefossils.com/, simply stating that you should check it out to help with IDs.

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Geo: I'm about 1 hour north of Toronto so I guess I could try U of T or York University. I figured you had to be a student to have access to their libraries. Those publications, are they available in english or french only? Je ne parle pas francais tres bien if ya know what I mean. Hybodus: I check BTF weekly for updates and have bought several teeth from Gary. He only has 3 species of Moroccan sand-tigers listed (eocene at least) but I'm looking for descriptions how to tell them apart. I was recently outbid on ebay for Cappetta's book, so I'll just have to keep trying for that one. I just can't bring myself to pay the best part of $150 for a copy, I'd rather buy teeth.

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