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Floundered Microcontinent Found Beneath Mauritius


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"Lost continent" found under Mauritius, Wits University,

January 31, 2017 - Lava-covered piece of continent is an

ancient remnant, left over from the break-up of the

supercontinent, Gondwana, which started about 200 million

years ago.



Long-lost continent found submerged deep under Indian Ocean

New Scientist-Jan 31, 2017



The paper is:


Ashwal, L. D., M. Wiedenbeck, and T. H. Torsvik, 2017,

Archaean zircons in Miocene oceanic hotspot rocks establish

ancient continental crust beneath Mauritius. Nature

Communications. vol. 8, Article number: 14086 (2017)






Paul H.

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