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Wierd Looking Rock

captain badlands

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I found this about 20 years ago near a place called Ghost River..... I couldnt tell you what time period the rocks from this formation are either, except that other marine invert fossils have been found in the same area. It doesnt really resemble anything but some kind of fish, or fish like creature... I was even able to find many rocks similiar in composition, but this one was different. I have considered that this may just be a really wierd rock, but the patterns seem to be mashed together, much the same way that fish fossils are found sometimes. Parts of the pattern also appear in different places on the rock....which itself resembles granite in some ways, but I can tell you it isnt any kind of granite I usually see.....


another angle:


parts of the "pattern" appear on different parts of the rock, and not just the same part repeated. Imagine taking the "fossil" and putting different parts of it in different spots, like the dispersal of material within a matrix


- to be able to lead, you must first refuse to follow

- is that a rock hammer in your pocket, or are you just that happy to see me?

- where are all the unicorn fossils? that stupid troll lied to me!

PS, my avatar is Galeodes arabs, the largest species of solifugid. this one is a baby.....

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I can positively iD that as a Weird rock.. :P

Seriously though. That odd patterning looks more to me as the result of crystal growth rather than fossilisation.

Be true to the reality you create.

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they are fossils but for the life of me I can't remember what they are called or the age. I have seen a lot of them in the Ghost over the years. The Tyrrell museum has a display that identifies them.

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Is it maybe a coral of some kind?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I had considered this was made by crystals forming, then eroded down smooth. But the other inclusions could literally be reassembled into something like what you see in picture one, perhaps a bit smaller. There are strong points for both cases: I've seen some crazy- rocks, stuff I never would have believed had I not seen it myself. I hung onto this piece hoping I could find out.... Maybe I should scoot some pictures of this to somebody at the Tyrell, they likely could put this to rest for certain.

- to be able to lead, you must first refuse to follow

- is that a rock hammer in your pocket, or are you just that happy to see me?

- where are all the unicorn fossils? that stupid troll lied to me!

PS, my avatar is Galeodes arabs, the largest species of solifugid. this one is a baby.....

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Looks kinda fishy to me.

With rocks in my head, and fossils in my heart....

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I would hazard it is a cross section of a coral

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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that sounds quite plausible, i had never considered that it could be a x-section. Coral came (and still comes) in a whole whack of strange shapes, some of them do in fact resemble other more "advanced" organisms.....i couldnt find anything on the Tyrell website, but I am a horrible researcher. I totally suck.... that's why i ask questions...

- to be able to lead, you must first refuse to follow

- is that a rock hammer in your pocket, or are you just that happy to see me?

- where are all the unicorn fossils? that stupid troll lied to me!

PS, my avatar is Galeodes arabs, the largest species of solifugid. this one is a baby.....

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