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Is This A Fossilized Fish?


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got this thing a few years back at a garage sale as part of a rock and meteorite collection , i dont know how this would be part of it but was told i had to take all or nothing so i took this thing :D ... anyhoo, is it worth keeping ?? i almost tossed it in the trash a few times but somehow ends up in my tool box every time . someone mentioned in another forum that was this is from the "Santana Formation" in northern Brazil , i am just curious and want to know if i should keep it or just toss it ..

any advice is appreciated .. :D ..


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That is Rhacolepis buccalis - a herring type fish from the Cretaceous. It came from the Santana Formation in Brazil. Tossing it would not be a good idea.

One thing that is particularly cool is the three dimensional preservation. Quite often you can see distortions in the body from bloating due to decomp gases that fossilised.

Of course if you don't want it, you can send it to me (but I wouldn't).

Be true to the reality you create.

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sir, we do not toss fossils! we fondle them and love them and give them good homes! (hey, did that sound a bit weird to anyone else but me?)

um, feel free to push that button on the front of your computer that makes the cupholder come out, and shove the fossil into that opening and upload it to us. either that, or send it to the address shown for donations to the forum.

thanguberymuch. you're very nice and we like your fish. really. brazil, you say. shouldn't it have one of those teeny little bikinis on?


tracer, f.f.

(p.s. - if you're really new and haven't been lurking, most of the others here are normal. i'm just the forum fool, and this is what i do. it's kind of an honor really to be pwned by one of my ripostes.)

<sigh> onward!

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sir, we do not toss fossils! we fondle them and love them and give them good homes! (hey, did that sound a bit weird to anyone else but me?)

um, feel free to push that button on the front of your computer that makes the cupholder come out, and shove the fossil into that opening and upload it to us. either that, or send it to the address shown for donations to the forum.

thanguberymuch. you're very nice and we like your fish. really. brazil, you say. shouldn't it have one of those teeny little bikinis on?


tracer, f.f.

(p.s. - if you're really new and haven't been lurking, most of the others here are normal. i'm just the forum fool, and this is what i do. it's kind of an honor really to be pwned by one of my ripostes.)

<sigh> onward!

Hi and welcome to the forum from Galveston Texas.

Keep the fish its very nice

Don't mine Tracer he gets off his meds sometimes but he is very informed most of the time.

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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I have 8 of those Brazilian Teleost fossils myself. I got them for $15 a piece for the 4 large ones, $10 for a mid-size one, and got the smaller 3 for $5 a piece. They're quite common, but harder to find on the market because Brazil no longer exports those to my understanding--since 1942 actually. I'm sure it's worth more than $15 after that because it was about 10 years ago that I bought my fossils. They are all 100% authentic and show excellent detail (pics tomorrow)--the nice thing that sets these fish apart from the rest is the 3D structure of the fossil instead of the normal "pancake" effect.

PLEASE hold onto that--throwing away a fossil would be a horrible, horrible deed and I might just cry over it if you do...

Though if you do want to get rid of it, I can trade something to you for it--but I myself would hold onto it--they're some of my most prized fish fossils.

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Welcome to the forum from Texas. Nice fish, I would keep it. Oh and just so you know Tracer is our pride and joy, even if he is a few bricks short of a full load we still love him. :P

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I like it..... Its worth spending some time on the matrix, it would look a treat, maybe someone 'in the know' over there could help you smooth it down and remove the scarring.... I think youde be 'dead proud' to display it then .....


Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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WOW!! :o i dint think it was worth keeping :rolleyes: i guess i was wrong .

i guess i can make a plexiglass display for it and clean the $#!t out of it since it has been all over the place here in our home , if you look close you can see where my kid dropped Milk on it :rolleyes: ..

i apreciate everyones advise..

Thank you!!


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I forgot to introduce myself . :rolleyes:

My name is Armando and i am from Carrollton Texas ..

i was introduced to this forum by a member of treasurenet where i was trying to get more info on this fish thingie , i am usually either coinshooting with my metal detector or racing RC cars but i guess i can also start collecting fossils :D .. i already collect meteorites and i guess i can add fossils to the list .. B) ..

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Welcome to the Forum, Armando!

Now you'll never run out of things to do :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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:faint::faint: Another Texan!!! Welcome.

With rocks in my head, and fossils in my heart....

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Welcome to another Texan, to the forum from Alberta.ca

If you don't want it I would take it.

if it smell it fish, have another beer :faint:

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Welcome and nice fish. I saw one of those once. They are cool. A good bonus with the meteorites and rocks. If you are going to start collecting fossils, you are in a good area of the state.

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Thaks !!

I think i found a couple of nice clam shells in a piece of rock while metal detecting, i wonder if this part of texas was an ancient sea bed or something, i see these clam shells averywhere .. Anyhow, i might have a few more of those Santana Formation fish fossils by tomorrow , i contacted my cousin who bought the other 2 fossils and he wants to give them to me :D , his wife hates fish and aparently gets nausea just thinking by looking at them :o ..

I guess its more fishies for me !! B)

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yes, almost all of texas was an ancient seabed. i'm not too sure about the llano uplift area in the middle of texas. maybe it was an island :)

but the rest of the place seems to have been part of the western interior seaway. read up on it. it's pretty interesting stuff!

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Here is an example of a very inflated Rhacolepis.


Be true to the reality you create.

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