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Gmr Trip This Saturday Any Takers?


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I would like to go to GMR on Saturday and always find fossiling more fun when I have someone else to go digging with. I am planning on being there all day so if anyone wants to join please let me know. Thanks.

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Don't forget to carry a lot of water. Temps are expected to be in the low 90's with a heat factor that could be triple didgets - which is why I won't be there. Good hunting!

Be true to the reality you create.

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Im in, send me a PM and Ill give you my contact info. I will also be in Aurora on Friday.

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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If you were only 1200 miles closer. :P

We can make it! Pack your stuff. I'll pick you up in 2 hours. ;)

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Hey folks,

Since I work for the government, and Friday's a federal holiday, I'm considering heading to Aurora on Friday as well (I've never hit the museum pit).

I'm pondering staying overnight and hitting GMR on Saturday.

My plans are completely flexible. I don't really care where I go as long is I can hunt fossils.

I'll be coming from Mebane (3+ hours away), though I plan on leaving as early as possible Friday morning.

So yeah - I think I'd like to join you at GMR on Saturday. I've never been. It'll be just me, since the wife is busy.

I guess I should probably pick up some waders? Is that even necessary? I have a tiny sifter, but it'll probably do.

"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be. " - Douglas Adams

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Hey folks,

Since I work for the government, and Friday's a federal holiday, I'm considering heading to Aurora on Friday as well (I've never hit the museum pit).

I'm pondering staying overnight and hitting GMR on Saturday.

My plans are completely flexible. I don't really care where I go as long is I can hunt fossils.

I'll be coming from Mebane (3+ hours away), though I plan on leaving as early as possible Friday morning.

So yeah - I think I'd like to join you at GMR on Saturday. I've never been. It'll be just me, since the wife is busy.

I guess I should probably pick up some waders? Is that even necessary? I have a tiny sifter, but it'll probably do.

Waders arnt entirely necessary, but you will definitely want shoes or sneakers to wear in the water since there is a lot of glass and other trash that could cause some problems. The waders were more for winter months when the weather/water was freezing. I still wear mine even though they have holes in them but I guess it is more out of habit then anything else. Other then that all you really need is a screen and a shovel, but I have extra of both of those if you want to borrow them. As far as the heat goes, I will be bringing a cooler with ice so your welcome to keep drinks in there. I have found that a cooler full of drinks and ice still floats on my screen as I drag it around the GMR. LOL. I will be in Aurora early, probably around 7am.

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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I guess I should probably pick up some waders? Is that even necessary? I have a tiny sifter, but it'll probably do.

Camera! Collect some images to share, please :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Well, me and Irradiatus were there, didnt see or hear from sweeneyb though. Hope everything is alright. Auspex, with your reminder I threw my camera in my pack and remembered to get some pictures. Which until now I forgot where I put it and now have to go back out to the car because its still in my fishing vest. Pictures and trip report coming up!

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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On a side note, I am member number 1,493. Does that mean I have to go fossil hunting on Columbus Day?

Ok I think its time for bed...

DO, or do not. There is no try.

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On a side note, I am member number 1,493. Does that mean I have to go fossil hunting on Columbus Day?

Ok I think its time for bed...

Sorry for not getting back to you I ended up going to DC for the fourth of July and hit up Calvert Cliffs. Let me know if you want to go to GMR anytime soon. I am free all week.

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