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Impact Crater Linked to Martian Tsunamis


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Impact Crater Linked to Martian Tsunamis

By Paul Rincon, BBC News website, March 26, 2017



Water On Mars: Researchers Link Lomonosov

Crater To Ancient Martian Tsunamis by Avaneesh

IBT, March 26, 2017



The paper is:


Costard, F., A. Séjourné, K. Kelfoun, S. Clifford, F.

Lavigne, I. Di Pietro, and S. Bouley (2017), Modeling

tsunami propagation and the emplacement of

thumbprint terrain in an early Mars ocean, Journal

Geophysical Research Planets, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JE005230



An article about studying Mars is:


Studying Martian Rocks Without Leaving Planet Earth

Matching Martian rock formations to those found on

Earth can help researchers learn more about the Red Planet.

By Alexandra Branscombe, AGU, March 1, 2017



Other articles about geological research at https://eos.org/research-spotlights




Paul H.

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