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Here are the biggest fossil I have ever found!

These were also on the shore of Lake Belton in Texas. There were found within 10 feet of each other in Limestone rock.

The little one came out easy, but the large one took me about an hour and a half.

Could these be the impressions of a Nautilus??

Any info will be greatly appreciated.






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I would say ammonite rather than nautilus. One of the other Texans can probably give you the ID. Nice pieces

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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yes, richard, those are from ammonites, and i'll leave it to dan or someone to say exactly which so as not to mislead you. but you may be able to note from looking at it that there's sort of a "keel ridge" along the outside of the curve, and then the "flutes" or "ridges" on the sides go up near that ridge, and make it look similar to your other fossil that you thought was bones. it may therefore well be that, as was indicated by at least one reply, the other fossil was also from a piece of an ammonite.

if they still have copies of the books, you can order several good references from the HGMS.org website that will help you quite a bit in your texas fossil collecting and identification. they even have some localities listed in them.

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They look to be impressions of Oxytropidoceras sp. ammonites, especially given where you found them (probably Walnut or Comanche Peak formation). Welcome to the Forum.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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yeah, i trudged to my book storage compartment and got my book out and looked up that dipstickpidonoceras or whatever john said it was and, as usual, he was right. looked like he got the formations for the area right too.

he does that a lot.

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Those are awesome impressions :) Now go try and find the fossil that left those great marks ;)

I'm sure they around somewhere.

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Nice finds...... Maybe push some modelling clay into the best ammonite impression, that way you will have a cast of what made them, and your negatives look pretty sharp..... i bet a cast of the ammonite would look good.....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Very hard to find complete impressions--very nice! :)

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