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Vernal, Utah


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Going to Vernal Utah soon for five quick days. I will have a rental car and a pretty dern open schedule. This is a one shot deal. I will never be back. How do I play ugly American and find places to dig for fossils legally? How do I play tourist and look at fabulous exhibits of fossils and take wonderful photos to share with the members here?

Linky to location of Vernal. Think Northeast Utah by the Green river: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&...ge&resnum=1


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let me know when you are coming and i may be able to take you around and find a few things. closest to vernal are the Green River Formation leaves at bonanza, about 40 miles south of vernal. but there are things everywhere out here. pm sent


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You can find some upper Paleozoic material and red jasper on the flanks of Tanks Peak south of Dinosaur National Monument but above US 40. I heard that you used to be able to find some fossils north of Vernal near Brush Creek. I stopped there last year but didn't find anything.

If you have the time and stamina to drive 3 hrs north, you can hit the Green River fish quarries and Blue Forest (petrified wood).

Good luck!



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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I think there is dino poo around Vernal somewhere!

...so watch where you step! :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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WOW I love it up that way, you should be able to find a lot of places to pull off and hunt.

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