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This hillside looks interresting


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Oh and I am sorry if it is in the wrong category! I was wondering, where it would fit best.

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It looks sedimentary, though with some interesting contortions in some spots...

Hard to say if you will find any fossils unless you look closely for a while. Did you find nothing, or are you asking us about certain features in those close-up shots? I can't tell if I'm looking at something fossily or just concretions or the like.

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I agree, it looks sedimentary. I can't say that I see any fossils, but if you are looking for something to investigate, I would check out these areas. The circled area looks like it contains concretions, but it could be something else. What exactly are you asking? Whether fossil hunting or rock hounding, I always look for things that standout/differ from the surrounding geology. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Fun Concretions.jpg

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hello, Thanks for ur replies, I have checked the 1st site a few times and gathered some interesting concretions, more likely, we shall discover later times in the id forum.  But what about the hill opposite? That curve is like 25m long.  Like a huge underwater creAture, ye right.  My question that still remains then, is that thing i see over there worth checking out? Coz ot only is neAr many ancient sites (regardless of the almost non-existent excavation activity) is also near Villas, built over ... well... history, and the land is probably private or it is intending to become private, and people don;t like things discovered upon their plots. as they don't like trees to grow on them.  One of the shameful facts about the Amathusian descendants.. is it worth it?

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I think what You are describing is natural folding of the geologic formation.

It is probably the same on both sides, what You find on one side is the same as You will find on the other side.

But if You do not check it out You will never be sure.




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Look for scree (lose rock) debris at the bottom of the hills. It'll be easier to sort through that stuff than it would be to hammer away.


Other than that Cyprus is pretty small, so take any chance you can!

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Can't talk to the fossil content but I'm a sucker for interesting rocks. It would be hard to pry me away from either side of the hill. Good luck and keep us posted.

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