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Psittacosaurus Help


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I was wondering if any of you knew where I could find good photos of the first few neck verts in a psittacosaurus. Mine is missing some, so I was thinking about making some that at least look right from PaleoSculp. Thanks.


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I suggest typing psittacosaurus skeletons into google, you get a lot of skeleton photos some with great shots of the neck verts.

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but really, why don't you just go to a butcher and get some cervical verts from some little quadrupedal anything and glue them suckers in there? then you could let people guess which ones weren't right by an elimination of process. get it!? GET it?!

wow. i crack me so up.

you know, on the other hand, the thing starts with "psittaco", which oughta be enough to bring the bird man down off a limb long enough to where you could get an x-ray of his zoanthropic self and model some necks verts after his. ausssspeeeexxxxxx! oh, AUSSSSSpeeeexxxx!!!

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I did the google thing, but can't seem to find any usable pics-none close enough or bad lighting. Maybe it's just me...I'll keep looking.

haha elimination of process...

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Thought I had some pics in my albums, but it appears not online. I'll have to go through and check my physical albums now...

In the mean time:



Combine the two, and you should have a decent idea what you'd be looking at.

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OK 32Ford do not make us wait pics and updates please

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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Tr-J-K, thanks for the links. That second one will come in mighty handy. It's similar to the one here:

http://www.skeletaldrawing.com/psgallery/gallery.htm Thanks to ebrocklds for that link!

Seldom, I'll try not to keep you waiting too long. Hopefully, I'll be cutting metal sometime in the next few weeks. Right now everything is in the laying out process, with the vert modelling to come soon.


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