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Dos Taco Con Caballo Diente


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My son Ian and I hit our favorite taqueria for lunch today. Great tacos, and there are shark teeth in the parking lot. Ian usually finds the most teeth, including a small hemi yesterday, but this time I got the find of the day under a Corona cap.

I have done a quick cleanup tool using an awl. I am going to research cleaning ,methods and use this tooth to practice on. There are some areas that I am not sure if I am breaking off concretion, or enamel.




Pentax Optio W60

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I don't see very well on the pics, but I think it is a horse tooth.



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Un Greg...

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What kind of tacos do they serve???????

Nice tooth.

Brian Evans

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

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You might want to find out what kind of meat (and how old) is in the taco........

ashcraft, brent allen

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Nobody asked the most important question........................

Well............ How are the Taco's??????????????????????????

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Thanks for the replies.

There are about 6 taquerias in my work area. I have hit them all, and this one is the best. Quick, cheap and very tasty. I also learn a new word in spanish every time I go. Not sure the health department checks them out, but I have been in fine dining kitchensas well, and can block the evil visions while I eat.

Usually get chicken, but have tried the beef tongue. Tasted a lot like pot roast, but it was still tongue to me, so I gave it to my son. They also serve beef head and tripe. I am not interested in either of those.

I always show the owners my finds, but they don't seem to interested.

Pentax Optio W60

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Good find Chuck. We used to find teeth in the asphalt on my street when I was little - that was in Jacksonville FL not TX.

Also, you came up in conversation today with a couple of my Canuck co-workers. Happy day after Canada Day!


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Good find Chuck. We used to find teeth in the asphalt on my street when I was little - that was in Jacksonville FL not TX.

Also, you came up in conversation today with a couple of my Canuck co-workers. Happy day after Canada Day!


Thank you, and happy 4th a day early.

Pentax Optio W60

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Como se dice "babacoa" in inglish?

i've never heard it called anything but barbacoa. if you called it something else, people wouldn't know what you're talking about. but having just looked it up, it seems to be fairly different depending on where you have it, so in that respect, i guess it's kinda like "barbeque", which is quite different in southeast texas from on the east coast,, and which can be a number of different meats. just like the word "fajita" has been genericized... used to mean only "skirt steak" and now seems to include chicken, shrimp, or whatever.

fine dining seems to be a moving target. but around here you can order some darned strange stuff.

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