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Caught A Fish!


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This may be a hard ID due to the fact that it's only a partial piece of the specimen.I found this today in the North Texas , Duck Creek formation.It's my first fossil fish find with scales. Any ideas y'all? The piece measures 5"L x 4"W



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looks like either a....

Carpus concreteio

Bassus mortaroides


Bluegillis cementirus


Nice find!

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This may be a hard ID due to the fact that it's only a partial piece of the specimen.I found this today in the North Texas , Duck Creek formation.It's my first fossil fish find with scales. Any ideas y'all? The piece measures 5"L x 4"W



In photo #3, the two parallel brown lines between your thumb & finger appear to be part of the top of the rear scull. You need to remove the matrix to get more detail. I can't help with the Id. Those fish "chunk" finds are few & far between. You did good. B)

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

Fossils: Windows to the past

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Wow, Barry! Duck Creek formation?!...about 105 +/- MYA (Albian)

Prep with advice and care.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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yeah, or don't prep it at all, and, and, um, chunk it as far southeast as possible! multiple times! gently.

a fish in the duck creek. hmmm. that's a new one on me, but then again, i don't know much.

a fish, you say?

velly eeenterestink!

watch how you handle it - might be a stonefish

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Whippin' kewl, Barry....too bad for me that all the good fossils are 300 miles north!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Barry, have to say that I though you were pulling my leg. That's a really cool find. You were there like 45 min.? You must have some kind of good mojo goin', so I would run with it. :D

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Wow, that's a very cool find!

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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Barry, have to say that I though you were pulling my leg. That's a really cool find. You were there like 45 min.? You must have some kind of good mojo goin', so I would run with it. :D

Funny thing is that's the only fossil I brought home.This was such an impromptu trip that I didn't bring any collecting equipment with me,not even a knife.I had to leave a nice echinoid there because it was pretty deep in the limestone.

The stick I was using to try and pry it out wasn't enough :D

I started working on the matrix removal a little bit.Here is a picture that I marked in red where I believe these to be gill plates.The other side has the scale remnants.It's going to take a while,but with some more matrix removal I should be able to see a more recognizable skull thingy :D


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"Fish heads, fish heads, rolly-polly fish heads..."

Very cool fossil!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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snakekeeper64..... Very impressive...... dont rush it..... grain by grain.... its easy to get over confident and try to ping to much off.... speaking from experience...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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I made a return trip to the spot where I found the fish today.I went alot further today because I was prepared with all the goodies.No fish in the cards today ,but found some ammonites to give my back a workout.Also had the pleasure of handling the ever nasty tempered Tx Ratsnake.This one however was somewhat even tempered and let me handle him without getting bitten.It looks like he has a slight problem with his chin area.Maybe a wound or bacterial growth.post-417-1246564498_thumb.jpgpost-417-1246564514_thumb.jpg[attachment



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I made a return trip to the spot where I found the fish today.I went alot further today because I was prepared with all the goodies.No fish in the cards today ,but found some ammonites to give my back a workout.Also had the pleasure of handling the ever nasty tempered Tx Ratsnake.This one however was somewhat even tempered and let me handle him without getting bitten.It looks like he has a slight problem with his chin area.Maybe a wound or bacterial growth.

That's a nice load of ammonites!

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Very nice skull, really can't wait to see it when it's fully escavated.

Not bad on the Ammonites too :D

Be true to the reality you create.

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I made a return trip to the spot where I found the fish today.I went alot further today because I was prepared with all the goodies.No fish in the cards today ,but found some ammonites to give my back a workout.Also had the pleasure of handling the ever nasty tempered Tx Ratsnake.This one however was somewhat even tempered and let me handle him without getting bitten.It looks like he has a slight problem with his chin area.Maybe a wound or bacterial growth.post-417-1246564498_thumb.jpgpost-417-1246564514_thumb.jpg[attachment


What happened to the photo of the "coiled up with rattle up in the air, head back, ready to strike" pose? Surely you had enough time to do it? :rolleyes:

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

Fossils: Windows to the past

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Well I've narrowed it down to A Gar or a needle fish skull"Belonostomus".There are some small teeth that I have exposed also. It looks more like a Gar than anything. I have an extant Gar skull and it looks very similar. I'll finish cleaning it up and post some pictures in a few days.

post-417-1246750977_thumb.jpg The teeth are small as you can see. This fish had a long snout, with the bottom jaw being narrower than the broader top.post-417-1246751118_thumb.jpg

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I made a return trip to the spot where I found the fish today.I went alot further today because I was prepared with all the goodies.No fish in the cards today ,but found some ammonites to give my back a workout.Also had the pleasure of handling the ever nasty tempered Tx Ratsnake.This one however was somewhat even tempered and let me handle him without getting bitten.It looks like he has a slight problem with his chin area.Maybe a wound or bacterial growth.post-417-1246564498_thumb.jpgpost-417-1246564514_thumb.jpg[attachment


Love the ammonites there Barry, nice finds.

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