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Frost Wedging


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I was just wondering about what nature can do to fossils.We used a term in the home building business called frost wedging. While here in this part of Texas there are not many days when it actually gets below the freeze point , I know that States further north get their share of below freezing weather.I wonder just how many fossils fracture due to frost wedging also called frost weathering. I'm guessing that quite a few are destroyed in this manner.

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I thought frost wedging was when they drug you through the snow, before pulling your underwear up. :)

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That's why in Alberta it's hard to find a piece of baculite over 5" long. :rolleyes:

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I thought frost wedging was when they drug you through the snow, before pulling your underwear up. :)

I was never picked on when I was a kid :) I had a mean look to me and was very fit from the creek cruising :P

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I dont know about just frost, but sun heats something up then it cools down during the nighttime and it all creates expansion and contraction at different rates and temperatures....... ive seen what would be decent fossils spoiled and the calcite looked like its rotted, purely by being kept outdoors prior to prep......obviously oxidation plays a part to....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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The geologic and meteorologic forces that make it possible for us to find fossils are the same ones that destroy them; timing is everything!

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I thought frost wedging was when they drug you through the snow, before pulling your underwear up. :)


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